Testing components

Testing components

If you have started you widget from our boilerplate you already have a sample test suite under the tests folder. To test a component, use the CLI to run your tests:

fliplet test

If you want to see the browser output when running tests, run the command with the --debug option:

fliplet test --debug

Tech-stack used for tests

Adding tests

You should include your tests under tests folder of your component.

Core variables

  • browser - The puppeteer browser instance
  • page - The current page displayed in the browser (Puppeteer object)

Core methods

  • browser.renderWidgetWithData(object): Renders the output of your widget after setting the widget instance data with an object
  • browser.renderWidget(): Renders the output of your widget without making any change to the widget instance data
  • browser.renderInterfaceWithData(object): Renders the interface of your widget after setting the widget instance data with an object
  • browser.renderInterface(): Renders the interface of your widget without making any change to the widget instance data

Sample test

describe('WHEN a button is rendered', function() {
  describe('GIVEN no label and action have been selected', function() {
    before(async function() {
      await browser.renderWidget();

    it('THEN it should have default button label', async function() {
      const label = await page.$eval('.btn-primary', input => input.getAttribute('value'));

      expect(label).to.equal('Primary button');

  describe('GIVEN a label has been set', function() {
    const sampleLabel = casual.name;

    before(async function() {
      await browser.renderWidgetWithData({ label: sampleLabel });

    it('THEN the label value should be rendered as button text', async function() {
      const label = await page.$eval('.btn-primary', input => input.getAttribute('value'));


GitHub Actions workflow integration

The following sample file can be saved as .github/workflows/test.yml to automatically run tests when your component changes are pushed to GitHub.

Make sure to set the values for the following secrets in GitHub before running tests:

  • TESTS_ORGANIZATION_ID (the Fliplet Organization ID of your user, e.g. 1)
  • TESTS_AUTH_TOKEN (the Fliplet Auth token of your test user)
name: Fliplet E2E

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Install Node.js
      uses: actions/setup-node@v2
        node-version: 12.x
        cache: 'npm'
    - run: npm install fliplet-cli -g
    - run: fliplet env development
    - name: Set organization
      run: fliplet organization $ORGANIZATION_ID --force
    - name: Test
        AUTH_TOKEN: $
      run: AUTH_TOKEN=$AUTH_TOKEN fliplet test