

Check if the device supports receiving notifications

Use the Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.hasPermission() function to check whether the device has permissions from the user to receive notifications (including push notifications).

var isSupported = Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.isSupported();

if (isSupported) {
  // The user can receive notifications

Check if the device has permissions to receive notifications

Use the Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.hasPermission() function (which returns a promise) to check whether the device has permissions from the user to receive notifications (including push notifications).

Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.hasPermission().then(function (hasPermission) {
  if (hasPermission) {
    // The user can receive notifications

Check what type of permission the device has to receive notifications

Use the Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.getPermission() method to check whether what type of permission the device has been given to receive notifications. Possible values are granted, denied and default.

Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.getPermission().then(function(permission) {
  switch (permission) {
    case 'granted':
      // the user has granted permissions to receive notifications
    case 'denied':
      // the user has denied permissions to receive notifications
    case 'default':
      // no specific choice has been made yet (e.g. not requested or user has not responded)

Ask the user for permission to receive notifications on the device

Use the Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.requestPermission() method to ask the user for permission to receive notifications on the device.

Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.requestPermission().then(function(permission) {
  // Permission value is "granted", "denied" or "default"
}, function(error) {
  // There was an error requesting for the permission

Subscribe the user for push notifications

Use the Fliplet.User.subscribe() method to subscribe the user for push notifications. The promise will be resolved with the user’s subscriptionId, which can be used to target the user when sending a push notification. Note that such ID isn’t necessary as the device can also be targeted via its Device ID (see sessionId in the next few examples).

Note: the subscribe() method automatically asks the user for permissions to receive notifications.

Fliplet.User.subscribe().then(function(subscriptionId) {
  // The user has been subscribed
}, function(error) {
  // There was an error subscribing the user

Unsubscribe the user from push notifications

Use the Fliplet.User.unsubscribe() method to unsubscribe the user from being able to receive push notifications.

Fliplet.User.unsubscribe().then(function() {
  // The user has been unsubscribed
}, function(error) {
  // There was an error unsubscribing the user

Verify the device’s push notification settings

Use the Fliplet.User.getPushNotificationSettings() method to find out whether the user has allowed alerts, badges and sounds for push notifications.

This method requires the native framework version 4.5.0 or newer to ensure the correct settings are returned.

This is the list of properties returned on all platforms:

  • alert: boolean
  • badge: boolean
  • sound: boolean

When running the method on Android the following properties are also returned:

  • canBypassDnd: boolean - whether or not notifications can bypass the “Do Not Disturb” mode
  • importance: number - the importance of a channel, from 0 (low) to 5 (high)
  • lightColor: number - the notification light color for notifications
  • lockScreenVisibility: number - whether or not notifications are shown on the lockscreen in full or redacted form. -1 indicates no visibility, 0 indicates private (do not reveal any part of this notification on a secure lockscreen) and 1 indicates public (show this notification in its entirety on all lockscreens)

Please refer to the Android notification documentation for more details about the properties listed above.

Fliplet.User.getPushNotificationSettings().then(function(settings) {
  if (settings.alert) {
    // Alerts are enabled

  if (settings.badge) {
    // Badges are enabled

  if (settings.sound) {
    // Sounds are enabled
}, function(error) {
  // There was an error fetching the settings

Note: calling the method above does not automatically subscribe user for push notifications.

Open the App Settings

Use the Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.openSettings() method to open the device native settings for the app where the user can manually change permissions for push notifications.

Fliplet.Navigator.Notifications.openSettings().then(function() {
  // The settings have been opened
}, function(error) {
  // There was an error opening the settings


Register a hook to be notified when the notification permission changes

Use the notificationPermissionChange hook to listen for events fired when the notification permission changes. The promise will be resolved with a status object containing the following keys:

  • permission: granted, denied or default
  • source: request (the hook was fired as a result of the requestPermission method) or appSettings (the hook was fired because the user changed the permissions via the App Settings on the device)
Fliplet.Hooks.on('notificationPermissionChange', function(status) {
  // status contains "permission" and "source"

Register a hook to be notified when the user subscribes for Push Notifications

Use the notificationSubscriptionChange hook to listen for events fired when the user subscribes to push notifications. The promise will be resolved with a details object containing the following keys:

  • subscriptionId: ID of the subscription
  • sessionId: ID of the session (which can be used to send the notification to the device)
  • createdAt: Timestamp indicating the time the user subscribed (in ISODATE format)
Fliplet.Hooks.on('notificationSubscriptionChange', function(details) {
  // details contains "subscriptionId", "sessionId" and "createdAt"

Local notifications

Show a local notification to the user

This feature allows you to programmatically display notifications on the user’s device. You can optionally define a time to which they need to be scheduled to be displayed at later date.

  title: 'Hello world',
  text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
  icon: 'https://path/to/icon.jpg',
  smallIcon: 'res://icon_notification'

For the full available options, please check the local notifications cordova plugin.

Note: compared to native devices, web support for local notifications is limited despite being available.