Attributes (fields)

Attributes (fields)

Attributes can be passed to helpers via the field HTML element and then accessed via this.fields.<name> in JavaScript.

Accessing attributes

Use the field property of the helper instance (this) to access field values in JavaScript as shown below.

<fl-helper name="question">
  <field name="title">What is your name?</field>
  <field name="description">Your name is needed when sending emails</field>
  name: 'question',
  render: {
    ready: function () {
      console.log('Title of the question', this.fields.title);

attributes can also be accessed in the HTML template by using the shortcode syntax, e.g. {! fields.firstName !}.

Updating attributes

Use the set instance method to update attributes and values at runtime. Given the following example:

var profile;

  name: 'profile',
  data: {
    firstName: 'John'
  render: {
    ready: function () {
      profile = this;

See how the firstName attribute can be updated at anytime using a static value or using the result of a promise returned by a function:

profile.set('firstName', 'Nick');

profile.set('firstName', function () {
  return Promise.resolve('Tony');

Default attributes

Use the data object to define default attributes for your helpers:

  name: 'welcome',
  data: {
    lastName: 'Doe'
  render: {
    ready: function () {
      console.log('Your last name is', this.fields.lastName);

Dynamically loading attributes

The data object can optionally be a function returning a promise. This can be used to programmatically populate attributes when the helper is loaded:

  name: 'profile',
  data: function () {
    var firstName =;

    return Fliplet.DataSources.connect(123).then(function (connection) {
      return connection.findOne({ where: { firstName: firstName } });
    }).then(function (entry) {
      return { user: };
{! start profile first-name="Nick" !}
  <p>Searched by {! firstName !}</p>
    <li>Email: {! !}</li>
    <li>Name: {! !}</li>
{! end profile !}

Further reading

Next article in this series

Hooks & Events

Learn more about responding to hooks and events in your helpers.