

Field methods

Dependency: fliplet-helper

The Fliplet.Helper.field() method can be called from the configuration interface to access other fields in the configuration.

Find a field

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('name');

Get the value of a field

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('name');


Get the value of a specific list item in a list field

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('items');
var item = field.get(0);


Get the value of a specific field for a list item in a list field

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('items');
var item = field.get(0);
var itemField = item.field('name');


Set the value of a field

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('name');


The same works on a field of a list item.

Show/hide a field

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('name');

field.toggle(); // Toggle the field
field.toggle(true); // Show the field
field.toggle(false); // Hide the field

Fields that are hidden using the toggle() method will not be included when the form is submitted. This is different from fields that are defined with type: 'hidden', which will still be included in the form submission even though they are not visible.

Check if a field is shown or hidden

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('name');

field.isShown(); // TRUE if shown

Access provider instance for a provider field

var field = Fliplet.Helper.field('name');

// Access the field provider instance and its methods