Notifications REST APIs

Notifications REST APIs

The Notifications REST APIs allows you to interact and make any sort of change to your app’s notifications.

Note: This RESTful API is intended to be used by 3rd party software such as external integrations. If you're using this in a Fliplet App, please use the Notifications JS APIs instead.


Please head to the how to authenticate page of the documentation to read more about how you can authorize your client to make API requests to Fliplet.

App Notifications

When dealing with app notifications, there’s a few things you should keep in mind:

  1. Notifications belong to an app. You can’t have a notification span across multiple apps.
  2. A notification can be an in-app notification, a push notification or both at once.
  3. Notifications have a default “draftstatus, meaning they are only visible to Fliplet Studio and Fliplet Viewer users. To make them live to all users, they must be published by updating their status to “published”. You can also avoid this step by simply creating your notification as published in first place.
  4. Notifications can have one or more scopes which limit their visibility. If you don’t create a scope, they are treated as broadcasted messages hence available to all users of your app. On the other hand, defining a scope (or a list) will make them private and available to only specific users (e.g. individual users or groups)
  5. Notifications have read receipts. Fliplet apps automatically take care of identifying your users so no extra work is required from your end when marking notifications as read.
  6. Notifications can be scheduled to be sent in the future using the scheduled status and specifying the date using the orderAt parameter.
  7. Push notifications automatically manage the badge count of new notifications, unless you provide the badge property to a fixed value.

Push notifications

App notifications can optionally send a notification. When doing so, you should provide the payload and optionally a list of subscriptions IDs to target and a delay for the notification. The following sample can be used as described in the endpoints for creating or updating an app notification:

  "pushNotification": {
    "payload": {
      "title": "New article",
      "body": "John has posted a new article on the news page. Go check it out!"
    "subscriptions": [123],
    "delayUntilTimestamp": 1577836800


Get the notifications

GET/POST v1/apps/:id/notifications

Optional query parameters:

  • limit (number, defaults to 100)
  • order (string, defaults to “orderAt”)
  • direction (string, defaults to “DESC”)
  • count (boolean, defaults to false. When true, only the total count of matched notifications is returned)
  • includeDeleted (boolean, whether deleted notifications should be returned)
  • where (object, sequelize “where” query condition)
  • scope (array, list of scopes to fetch from)

Please note that when making the request as GET, supplying the where and scope parameters is not supported. Therefore, in most occasions you’ll need to make a POST request so that you can filter notifications by query and/or a list of scopes.

Request body:

  "limit": 50,
  "scope": [{ "topic": "company-updates" }]


  "notifications": [
      "id": 123,
      "data": { "foo": "bar", "message": "Hi John and company fans!" },
      "scope": [
        { "topic": "company-updates" },
        { "dataSourceId": 123, "email": "" }
      "status": "draft",
      "createdAt": "2018-12-27T18:26:38.260Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-12-27T18:26:38.260Z",
      "deletedAt": null,
      "orderAt": "2018-12-27T18:26:38.000Z"
      "id": 456,
      "data": { "message": "Hi everyone!" },
      "status": "draft",
      "createdAt": "2018-12-27T18:26:38.260Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-12-27T18:26:38.260Z",
      "deletedAt": null,
      "orderAt": "2018-12-27T18:26:38.000Z"

Create a notification

PUT v1/apps/:id/notifications

Required parameters:

  • data (json object)

Optional parameters:

  • scope (array of json objects or single json object)
  • status (string, defaults to draft. Use published to make the notification visible to live apps)
  • orderAt (number, defaults to the current time)
  • pushNotification (json object containing payload, delayUntilTimestamp)

Sample request body:

  "data": {
    "title": "New article",
    "message": "John posted an article."
  "scope": { "Email": "" },
  "pushNotification": {
    "payload": {
      "title": "New article",
      "body": "John has posted a new article on the news page. Go check it out!"

You can also target many people at once using any Sift.js operator for the scope, e.g.:

  "data": {
    "title": "Greetings",
    "message": "Hi John and Nick!."
  "scope": {
    "Email": {
      "$in": ["", ""]

Create multiple notifications (batch)

POST v1/apps/:id/notifications/batch


  • notifications (array of json object)

Parameters for each object inside notifications array:

  • data (json object)

Optional parameters:

  • scope (array of json objects or single json object)
  • status (string, defaults to draft. Use published to make the notification visible to live apps)
  • orderAt (number, defaults to the current time)
  • pushNotification (json object containing payload, delayUntilTimestamp)

Sample request body:

  "notifications": [
      "data": {
        "title": "New article",
        "message": "NIck posted an article."
      "scope": {
        "Email": ""
      "pushNotification": {
        "payload": {
          "title": "New article",
          "body": "Nick has posted a new article on the news page. Go check it out!"
      "data": {
        "title": "Next article",
        "message": "John posted new article."
      "scope": {
        "Email": ""
      "pushNotification": {
        "payload": {
          "title": "Next article",
          "body": "John has posted a next article on the news page. Go check it out!"

Update a notification

PUT v1/apps/:id/notifications/:id

Optional parameters:

  • data (json object)
  • extendData (boolean, defaults to false (replace). When true, the input data will be merged with the existing notification data instead of replacing it)
  • scope (array of json objects or single json object)
  • status (string, defaults to draft. Use published to make the notification visible to live apps)
  • orderAt (datetime, defaults to the current time)
  • pushNotification (json object containing payload, subscriptions, delayUntilTimestamp)

Delete a notification

DELETE v1/apps/:id/notifications/:id

Mark one or more notifications as read

POST v1/apps/:id/notifications/mark-as-read

Required parameters:

  • recipientId (GUID string to identify your user)
  • entries (array of notification IDs)

Get a list of users subscribed to your app for push notifications

GET v1/apps/:id/subscriptions

Note: for security reasons this endpoint can only be used by Studio users. API tokens are not allowed to read the list of subscriptions for an app.

Sample cURL request:

curl -X GET -H "Auth-token: eu--abcdef123456" ""

Response (Status code: 200 OK):

  "subscriptions": [
      "appId": 123,
      "createdAt": "2018-11-26T14:06:03.637Z",
      "device": "Apple iPhone7,2",
      "id": 5,
      "ipAddress": "123.456.789.123",
      "platform": "native",
      "token": "51c1d1db7988be0cb819dcc50747c930c566e25899619b0fd38d5b5bbb394355",
      "updatedAt": "2018-11-26T14:06:03.637Z",
      "userId": 456,
      "uuid": "07F06C8F-1485-4BF3-BAA8-CEE2D1B8EEB7"