Env (Environment)

Env (Environment)

Get an environment variable

var appId = Fliplet.Env.get('appId');

These variables are usually available on app screens as long as components and providers:

  • apiUrl - the base URL of Fliplet APIs (e.g. https://api.fliplet.com/)
  • appFonts - array of fonts uploaded for the current app
  • appHooks - array of security hooks that have been set up the current app
  • appId - the current app id
  • appName - the current app name
  • appPages - array of pages for the current app
  • appSettings - object with public settings for the current app
  • appSlug - string with the public slug (URI) for the current app
  • appUpdatedAt - timestamp set to the last time a change has been made via Fliplet Studio to the current app
  • appVersion - number pointing to the app’s version (when using Fliplet Viewer, its value will be (DEV))
  • appTemplate - boolean indicating whether the app is a template
  • appsUrl - the base URL for Fliplet Apps (e.g. https://apps.fliplet.com/)
  • development - true / false true when if developing via the Fliplet CLI
  • interact - true / false true when you are in edit mode in Fliplet Studio
  • masterAppId - when called from a live app, returns the ID of the master app seen through Fliplet Studio
  • mode
    • interact: The app is running in Fliplet Studio while in edit mode
    • preview: The app is running in Fliplet Viewer or in Fliplet Studio while in preview mode
    • view: The app is running in a live environment (e.g. web app or from an app distributed via App Store / Google Play / MDM)
  • demo - boolean indicating whether the app is running in demo mode (e.g. when browsed via app previews)
  • organizationName - the user’s organization name
  • organizationId - the user’s organization id
  • pageId - the current page id
  • pageMasterId - when called from a live app, returns the ID of the master page seen through Fliplet Studio
  • pageTitle - the current page (screen) title
  • pageSettings - object with public settings for the current page
  • platform - either 'web' or 'native' (use Fliplet.Env.is for easier checks)
  • provider - true / false whether the current component (widget) is running in provider mode
  • preview - true / false true when you are in edit or preview mode in Fliplet Studio
  • user - the current user

Set an environment variable

Through the set() method you can overwrite any of the above environment variables at runtime or add new ones. Please note that they will only be available until the screen navigates away to a new screen.

Fliplet.Env.set('appId', 2);

Check the current app’s environment (platform)

Use the is() method to check whether the current app is running in a native (e.g. iOS and Android devices) or web environment.

if (Fliplet.Env.is('native')) {
  // this code will run on native devices (iOS and Android) only

if (Fliplet.Env.is('web')) {
  // this code will run on desktop browsers only