App Actions V2

App Actions V2

The App Actions V2 library allows you to configure a pipeline of functions to run either on-device or in the cloud, either ad-hoc or at a scheduled time.

How it works

Sample use cases:

  • Weekly reports on app usage via email
  • Push notifications to users if users have a booking for today
  • Importing RSS feeds daily & notifying users via push notifications when new items are found
  • Automatically checkout all check-ins at midnight or on-demand
  • Send weekly reminders for users to take update their working status
  • Integration with 3rd party tools
  • Return data based on user’s rights

Data models and key concepts

  1. An app action consists in a unique name, an optional frequency, timezone, environment and triggers.
  2. An app action has a pipeline of functions (2nd gen).
  3. An app action can be created as scheduled (when using the frequency parameter) or to be run on-demand. Additionally, our 2nd generation actions can be triggered by external events (e.g. a data source being updated). This can be configured via the triggers property.
  4. An app action can contain a pipeline of functions to run either locally (on device) or remote, or target an app screen to run in the cloud. A result can be given back by the screen both when running on a schedule and when on-demand.
  5. An app action (2nd gen) can run on server when environment property is set as server or any
  6. An app action (2nd gen) can run on client side when environment property is set as client or any
  7. An app action is limited to 120 seconds of execution time. After 120 seconds, the action will be killed and a specific timeout error will be returned and saved in the logs.
  8. The payload for on-demand actions is limited to 2048 characters.
  9. The result sent from an on-demand app action is limited to 6MB.
  10. Only JavaScript assets are loaded when the screen runs as an app action. Assets such as CSS and images will be ignored by the system.
  11. Scheduled app actions will only run the published version of a screen, whereas on-demand actions will run the version from the same environment they are fired from (e.g. Fliplet Viewer, Live apps )

Configuring function pipeline for app actions

Our latest iteration of app actions require you to define a pipeline of functions to execute when the action runs. Additionally, functions can be nested into sub-pipelines.

First, you want to fetch the array of functions available in the system:

Fliplet.App.Tasks.Functions.get().then(function (listOfFunctions) {
  // ...

Each function has the following properties:

  • id: the Fliplet ID (formerly widgetId) of the function
  • name: the display name of the function
  • package: the package name of the function
  • description: the description of the function

Here’a a sample code that creates a new app action with a pipeline of function.

In the example, function com.fliplet.function.if function that behaves like an if statement and evaluates the contents of the input payload and checks if foo is true. If so, it will execute function com.example.function.return-string with the given settings. If foo is false, the function will be skipped.

  name: 'sayHello',
  environment: "server",
  functions: [
      functionPackage: "com.fliplet.function.if",
      settings: {
        condition: "foo === true"
      functions: [
        { functionPackage: "com.example.function.return-string", settings: { message: "Hello world" } }
      trigger: 'manual'

Each function will be executed with the configured settings. An additional payload can be added when calling the action:'sayHello', { foo: true });

Action triggers

An action can be triggered as a result of a system event (e.g. a data source being updated, a log entry being created). You can configure the triggers for an action using the triggers property.

These are the available types of triggers:

  • log: Triggered when a log entry is created. Can be executed on server side only
  • schedule: Executes at a specific interval. Can be executed on server side only
  • manual: Executes manually using the JavaScript API. Can be executed on server or client side
  • analytics: Triggered when an analytics event occurs. Can be executed on client side only

The following example creates an action that is triggered when a log entry is created with a type of dataSource.entry.create (i.e. a new entry is created in a data source) in the data source with ID 789:

  name: 'send-email-on-error',
  triggers: [
      trigger: 'log',
      where: { type: 'dataSource.entry.create', dataSourceId: 789 }
  functions: [
    { functionPackage: 'com.example.function.send-email', settings: { } }

The context of the app action will contain the trigger name as well as the log object that triggered it. See an example below:

  trigger: "log",
  log: {
    id: 123,
    appId: 2,
    organizationId: 3,
    dataSourceId: 789,
    dataSourceEntryId: 4,
    appNotificationId: null,
    sessionId: 1,
    type: "dataSource.entry.create",
    data: {
      columns: [
    createdAt: "2023-09-13T15:50:50.797Z"

Create an action

Create a server side action with log trigger

Use the create JS API to create the action. The log trigger can be configured with a where object to specify the conditions under which the action will be triggered.

Note that the log trigger can only be executed on the server side

  name: 'send-new-user-email',
  active: true,
  functions: [
      settings: {},
      functionPackage: 'com.example.function.send-email'
  environment: 'server',
  triggers: [
      trigger: 'log',
      where: {
        type: 'dataSource.entry.create',
        dataSourceId: 177
}).then(function(action) {
  // App action has been created and will send email when any new entry is created in data source id: 177

Create a server side action with schedule trigger

Use the create JS API to create the action. The schedule trigger can be configured with a frequency property, which is a “cron expression” to run the action periodically according to a given schedule (e.g. 0 5 * * *).


  ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
  │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
  │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
  │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
  │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday)
  │ │ │ │ │
  │ │ │ │ │
  │ │ │ │ │
  * * * * *

Here are a few examples for the frequency value:

Frequency Description
1 0 * * * Run at one minute past midnight (00:01) every day
0 * * * * Run once an hour at the beginning of the hour
0 0 1 * * Run once a month at midnight of the first day of the month
0 0 * * 0 Run once a week at midnight on Sunday morning
45 23 * * 6 Run at 23:45 (11:45PM) every Saturday
*/5 1 * * * Run every 5th minute of every first hour (i.e., 01:00, 01:05, 01:10, up until 01:55)
0 0 1 1 * Run once a year at midnight of 1 January

The timezone for the frequency can be defined via the timezone parameter using the full name of the zone, e.g. "Europe/Dublin".

Example timezones:

  • America/Los_Angeles
  • America/New_York
  • Europe/Dublin
  • Europe/London
  • Europe/Rome

Note that the schedule trigger can only be executed on the server side

  name: 'send-monday-weekly-reminder',
  active: true,
  frequency: '0 8 * * 1',
  functions: [
      settings: {},
      functionPackage: 'com.example.function.send-email'
  environment: 'server',
  triggers: [
      trigger: 'schedule',
}).then(function(action) {
  // App action has been created and will send email every Monday morning at 8am

Create a client side action with analytics trigger

Use the create JS API to create the action. The analytics trigger can be configured with a where object to specify the conditions under which the action will be triggered.

Note that the analytics trigger can only be executed on the client side

  name: 'update-website-visited-count',
  active: true,
  functions: [
      settings: {},
      functionPackage: 'com.example.function.update-count'
  environment: 'client',
  triggers: [
      trigger: 'analytics',
      where: {
        type: 'analytics.pageView',
        _pageId: 77
}).then(function(action) {
  // App action has been created and will be executed when page with id 77 is visited

Create a manual action with manual trigger

Use the create JS API to create the action. The manual trigger can be executed manually using run JS API.

Note that the manual trigger can be executed on the server or client side

  name: 'send-email',
  active: true,
  functions: [
      settings: {},
      functionPackage: 'com.example.function.send-email'
  environment: 'any',
  triggers: [
      trigger: 'manual'
}).then(function(action) {
  // App action has been created and will send email when triggered manually

Run a manual action

You can execute action with manual trigger using run and runWithResult JS API.

// Run an action in asynchronous mode'send-email');

// Run an action in asynchronous mode with an
// input payload to be sent to the function pipeline.'send-email', {
  email: ''
}).then(function () {
  // The action has been queued for processing.
  // No result is given back.

// Run an action synchronously with an input payload
// and retrieve back the result
Fliplet.App.Actions.runWithResult('email-is-registered', {
  Email: ''
}).then(function (result) {
  // This example assumes your result returns a "isRegistered" property
  if (result.isRegistered) {
    // ....

Update an action

Use the update JS API with the input action id or name to update any property of the action (among functions, trigger, frequency and active):

Fliplet.App.Actions.update('confirm-booking', {
  functions: [
      settings: {},
      functionPackage: 'com.example.function.send-email'
  environment: 'server',
  triggers: [
      trigger: 'log',
      where: {
        type: 'dataSource.entry.create',
        dataSourceId: 177
}).then(function (action) {
  // Action has been updated

Delete an action

Use the remove JS API with the input action id or name to delete an action.

Fliplet.App.Actions.remove('confirm-booking').then(function () {
  // Action has been removed

Debug an action

You can debug an action in your browser. To debug the app actions open a browser tab on the tasks compile endpoint

  • URL GET /v1/apps/{appId}/tasks/{taskId}/compile?html

Below are the URLs for different region

  • EU
  • US
  • CA

Steps to debug an app actions V2

  • Open the browser DevTools by pressing the F12 key
  • Go to Source tab and from the pages find the relevant function JS file
  • Put the Debug point in the code you want to debug
  • Go to the console and type This is the command that gets executed by our infrastructure when running the action. It internally finds the pipeline in - - ENV.taskPipeline and the JSON payload from the query parameter payload

Chrome Dev too

Publish an action

Use the publish JS API to publish the actions. Only published actions can be used in the production app. Any changes made to actions that are not published will not be reflected in the production apps. publish JS API accept two arguments:

  • actionId: Action Id
  • isPublish: Boolean value. True to publish, false to unpublish
// To publish the action with Id 53

// To unpublish the action with Id 53

Get the logs for an action

Each time n runs a new log record gets generated in our backend. You can access such logs for one of all actions:

// Fetch the last 50 completed and failed action results
Fliplet.App.Actions.getLogs().then(function (response) {
  // response.count
  // response.logs


// Fetch the last 10 failed action logs for just one action, given its ID
  id: 123,
  limit: 10,
  where: { type: 'app.task.failed' }
}).then(function (response) {

Sample logs:

    "id": 1,
    "createdAt": "2022-07-21T12:36:02.663Z",
    "type": "app.action.completed",
    "data": {
      "mode": "on-demand",
      "duration": 2000,
      "actionId": 1
    "id": 2,
    "createdAt": "2022-07-21T12:36:02.663Z",
    "type": "app.task.completed",
    "data": {
      "mode": "scheduled",
      "duration": 3000,
      "actionId": 1,
      "result": { "a": 1 }
    "id": 3,
    "createdAt": "2022-07-21T12:36:02.663Z",
    "type": "app.task.failed",
    "data": {
      "mode": "scheduled",
      "duration": 5000,
      "actionId": 1,
      "result": {
        "errorType": "Error",
        "errorMessage": "Error: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'sendEmail' of undefined...",
        "trace": ["..."]


Whitelist inbound requests from App Actions

If you’re using an app action to make requests to your server you may need to whitelist the IP address that our infrastructure uses to make inbound requests to your systems. Please use the relevant IP for your region:

  • Canadian customers:
  • European customers:
  • US customers: