

Get the list of screens in the current app

Fliplet.Pages.get().then(function (appPages) {
  appPages.forEach((page) => {
    //, page.title, page.masterPageId

Get the public URL of the current screen

Use the Fliplet.Page.getPublicSlug() method to get the public URL of the current screen. Note that this only works if you have enabled shareable URLs via Fliplet Studio under the App Settings.

// e.g. "https://apps.fliplet.test/foo-bar/my-screen-abc"
const url = Fliplet.Page.getPublicSlug();

Get the public URL of any screen in your app

Use the Fliplet.App.getPublicSlugForPage() method to get the public URL of a screen, given its page ID. Note that this only works if you have enabled shareable URLs via Fliplet Studio under the App Settings.

// e.g.
const url = Fliplet.App.getPublicSlugForPage(12345);

Read the list of screen layouts in the system

  url: 'v1/layouts'
}).then(function (response) {

Programmatically create a screen

You can create one or multiple app screens at the same time with the following snippet.

  url: 'v1/apps/123/pages',
  method: 'POST',
  data: {
    pages: [
        title: 'Foo',
        order: 2, // this number should be the "number of app pages + 1" if you want this at the end of the list
        layoutId: 378155 // This is the ID of the layout to use, e.g. blank screen
}).then(function (response) {
  // response.pages