Context targeting

Context targeting

Fliplet uses Modernizr (v3.5.0) to help developers target users with specific device capabilities and contexts. This lets you target users via selectors and flags provided by HTML classes and JavaScript.


A class no-touchevents or touchevents is added to the <html> element depending on whether a device supports touch events, i.e. if the user on a touch device.

A property with the same name Modernizr.touchevents will also return true or false.

CSS usage

<div id="target">This text is red on touch devices and green on non-touch devices.</div>
.touchevents #target {
  color: red;

.no-touchevents #target {
  color: green;

JavaScript usage

if (Modernizr.touchevents) {
  alert('You are using a touch device.');
} else {
  alert('You are not using a touch device.');

For a list of supported tests, type Object.keys(Modernizr) into the developer console.

Custom Fliplet Modernizr tests

Fliplet adds some custom tests to Modernizr to help detect and target the following contexts.

Detect CSS class/JS property
iOS ios
Android android
Windows windows
Web web
Native native
Mobile width < 640px mobile
Tablet width >= 640px tablet
Desktop width >= 1024px desktop
Device with a notch notch

CSS Class to show content in Fliplet Studio while in edit mode

Use the .visible-interact class to show your content only when is being seen in Fliplet Studio while in edit mode. Otherwise, the elements will be hidden (e.g. preview mode, web apps, iOS and Android apps).

<div class="visible-interact">
  <p>This will only be displayed while in Fliplet Studio in edit mode.</p>

You can also use Fliplet’s JS APIs to programmatically achieve the same result:

if (!Fliplet.Env.get('interact')) {
  // Hide the element when we're not in Fliplet Studio in edit mode

However, we do recommend using the .visible-interact CSS class to avoid having the content briefly displayed on the screen before it gets hid by Javascript.

CSS Classes to show/hide content

For faster development, use these utility classes for showing and hiding content by various contexts.

Note: These only work for the custom Fliplet Modernizr tests. When editing apps in Studio, these classes will be disabled so that all the available content is visible for editing.

Available classes

Use a single or combination of the available classes for toggling content across different contexts.

Operating Systems

  iOS Android Windows
.visible-ios-* Visible Hidden Hidden
.visible-android-* Hidden Visible Hidden
.visible-windows-* Hidden Hidden Visible
.hidden-ios Hidden Visible Visible
.hidden-android Visible Hidden Visible
.hidden-windows Visible Visible Hidden


  Web Native
.visible-web-* Visible Hidden
.visible-native-* Hidden Visible
.hidden-web Hidden Visible
.hidden-native Visible Hidden

Screen sizes

  Mobile (< 640px) Tablet (>= 640px) Desktop (>= 1024px)
.visible-mobile-* Visible Hidden Hidden
.visible-tablet-* Hidden Visible Hidden
.visible-desktop-* Hidden Hidden Visible
.hidden-mobile Hidden Visible Visible
.hidden-tablet Visible Hidden Visible
.hidden-desktop Visible Visible Hidden

iPhone X

  iPhone X Not iPhone X
.visible-iphonex-* Visible Hidden
.hidden-iphone-x Hidden Visible

The .visible-*-* classes for each context come in three variations, one for each CSS display property value listed below.

Group of classes CSS display
.visible-*-block display: block;
.visible-*-inline display: inline;
.visible-*-inline-block display: inline-block;

Programmatically show and hide elements for app templates

Nest your selectors within the following classes (applied to the screen’s html) to show and hide content for app templates or non-template apps:

  App template Regular app
.no-app-template   X
.app-template X  

Example (SCSS code):

.app-template {
  /* styles for when the app is a template */

  button { display: block }

.no-app-template {
  /* styles for when the app is NOT a template */

  form { font-size: 10px }

You can also use Fliplet’s JS APIs to programmatically achieve the same results

var isTemplate = Fliplet.Env.get('appTemplate');

if (isTemplate) {