

Core widget APIs

Get the current widget instance id

This method is usually meant to be called from a widget interface, to get the widget instance id if necessary.

const id = Fliplet.Widget.getDefaultId();

Get the current widget instance settings

This method is usually meant to be called from a widget interface, to get the saved settings.

The returned settings also include any data passed through the data query parameter of the interface URL.

const settings = Fliplet.Widget.getData();

Get a widget instance settings by ID

You can get the settings of a specific widget instance in the current page by passing its ID:

const settings = Fliplet.Widget.getData(123);

If the widget instance does not belong to the current page, you can fetch its settings via the JS APIs:

Fliplet.API.request('v1/widget-instances/123').then(function (response) {
  // response.widgetInstance.settings

Find widgets

Fliplet.Widget.find().then(function(instances) {
  // Returns all widget instances for a page

Fliplet.Widget.find({ package: 'com.fiplet.image' }).then(function(instances) {
  // Returns all image widget instances for a page

Fliplet.Widget.findOne({ package: 'com.fiplet.image' }).then(function(instance) {
  // Returns the first image widget instance found on a page

Find parent widgets

Fliplet.Widget.findParents().then(function(widgets) {
  // Can be called directly from the widget interface to find out all the parent widget instances of the current instance

Fliplet.Widget.findParents({ instanceId: 1234 }).then(function(widgets) {
  // Return parent widget instances of a specific instance

Fliplet.Widget.findParents({ instance: 1234, filter: { package: 'com.fliplet.container' } }).then(function(widgets) {
  // Return parent widget instances of a specific instance that match the specified filter

Get the JSON schema of a widget

You can use this method to fetch the JSON schema of a widget. The following widget packages are currently supporting this feature:

  • com.fliplet.form-builder
  • com.fliplet.data-sources
Fliplet.Widget.getSchema("com.fliplet.form-builder").then(function (schema) {
  // Use the schema

Create a new widget instance

First, fetch widget IDs via our API. You can also fetch the widgetId for a specific package name, e.g. see specific request for the List from Data Source component.

// Create a new widget instance for a screen
  url: '/v1/widget-instances',
  method: 'POST',
  data: {
    widgetId: 123, // from the list of widgets above
    pageId: 456, // target screen ID
    settings: { foo: 'bar' } // initial configuration for the widget

Fetch the HTML layout of a page

  url: 'v1/apps/123/pages/456?richLayout'
}).then(function (response) {
  // response.page.richLayout

Update the HTML layout of a page

Assuming a widget instance with ID 789, this endpoint updates the whole page content with the new layout you send.

  url: 'v1/apps/123/pages/456/rich-layout',
  method: 'PUT',
  data: {
    richLayout: '<fl-component cid="789"></fl-component>'

Update the settings of a widget instance

You can use the following JS API to update a widget instance settings:

  method: 'PUT',
  url: 'v1/widget-instances/123',
  data: {
    // Include here the new settings
    foo: 'bar',
    bar: 'barbaz'
}).then(function (result) {
  // data has been saved

Once a widget instance settings are updated, use this JS API to reload the widget instance being rendered on the Studio device preview frame:

// Reloads widget instance 123

If your code is running in a different context, e.g. a widget or helper configuration interface run this code instead:

Fliplet.Studio.emit('widget-save-complete', {
  data: result // use result from the save operation above

Get the URL to an asset from the relative path of a widget

Depending on whether the app is rendered as a web app or on a native device, you can get the asset path for a widget instance:

// Returns CDN or local file path based on platform
var url = Fliplet.Widget.getAsset(123, 'img/placeholder.jpg');

// When used on the configuration interface, you can skip the ID (same as getData and getUUID)
var url = Fliplet.Widget.getAsset('img/placeholder.jpg');

Get a widget instance unique identifier

The widget instance ID might change overtime when an app is published. If you need to use an ID which won’t change, you can use the getUUID(<widgetInstanceId>).

var uuid = Fliplet.Widget.getUUID(1);

Widget APIs for Fliplet Studio interface

Emit an event to the parent widget or Fliplet Studio

Fliplet.Widget.emit('foo', { bar: 1 });

Display an error message in Fliplet Studio

Fliplet.Widget.displayMessage({ text: 'The email is not valid' });

Sets the widget interface info message in Fliplet Studio

Fliplet.Widget.info('2 files selected');

Toggle the wide mode on the interface

// Enable the wide mode

// Disable the wide mode

Toggle the save button

// Enable the button

// Disable the button

Set & reset the save button label

// Set the button label

// Reset the button label (to 'Save & Close')

Toggle the cancel button

// Enable the button

// Disable the button

Set & reset the cancel button label

// Set the button label
Fliplet.Widget.setCancelButtonLabel('No thanks');

// Reset the button label (to 'Save & Close')


Tells the parent widget or studio the new height of this widget.


As a rule of thumb, you are responsible of calling the above function every time the height of your widget (or provider) is changing.


Provider widgets allow developers to reuse widget interface with a consistent UX for achieving certain tasks.

Open a provider

// Fliplet.Widget.open() returns a Promise-like object
var myProvider = Fliplet.Widget.open('com.fliplet.link', {

  // If provided, the iframe will be appended here,
  // otherwise will be displayed as a full-size iframe overlay
  selector: '#somewhere',

  // You can send data to the provider, to be used similar to a widget instance data
  data: { foo: 'bar' },

  // You can also listen for events fired from the provider
  onEvent: function (event, data) {
    if (event === 'interface-validate') {
      Fliplet.Widget.toggleSaveButton(data.isValid === true);

    // return true to stop propagation up to studio or parent components

// The returned variable from Fliplet.Widget.open() resolves when the provider is saved
myProvider.then(function (data) {
  // data will contain the result

// The provider is triggered to start saving data

// Trigger events to the provider

// You can also resolve an array of providers (similar to Promise.all)
Fliplet.Widget.all([myProviderA, myProviderB, myProviderC]).then(function (results) {
  // results is an array with data from all providers you resolved

You can also stop the provider from being closed once resolved, by passing the closeOnSave: false option. You can then close it manually by calling myProvider.close() at any time.

Here is a list of the current widget providers supported by our system.

Attach an event on save request

Optionally attach an event handler to be called when the “save” button will be called in studio. Here’s the typical usage of the function:

Fliplet.Widget.onSaveRequest(function () {
  // Save data when the save button in studio is clicked
  return Fliplet.Widget.save({ foo: 1 });
}).then(function onSave() {
  // Closes this widget interface

Save data

Used to save JSON-structured data to the current widget instance. The save function is usually meant to be triggered from onSaveRequest described above.

Fliplet.Widget.save({ foo: 1 }).then(function () {
  // Closes this widget interface

Close the interface when done


Namespaced widgets

You can also create a private widget namespace which you can use to store and access widget instances:

// Register a namespace. Existing namespace will be returned.
Fliplet.Foo = Fliplet.Widget.Namespace('foo');

Add an instance

Fliplet.Foo.add(instance) // instance can be a promise but does not need to be

Get an instance

Fliplet.Foo.get().then((instance) => { /* Returns the first instance */ })
Fliplet.Foo.get('bar').then((instance) => { /* Returns the first instance with instance.name: "bar" */ })
Fliplet.Foo.get({ type: 'bar' }).then((instance) => { /* Returns the first instance with instance.type: "bar" */ })

Get all instances

Fliplet.Foo.getAll().then((instances) => { /* Returns an array of all instances */ })
Fliplet.Foo.getAll('bar').then((instances) => { /* Returns an array of instances where instance.name: "bar" */ })
Fliplet.Foo.getAll({ type: 'bar' }).then((instances) => { /* Returns an array of instances where instance.type: "bar" */ })