Example Helper

Example Helper

Decision Tree

The following snippet illustrates how to create a simple decision tree showing a question with a set of answers. Upon selecting an answer, the next question will be presented to the user.

The helper includes:

  • a rich content view where the question content can be dropped and configured
  • an interface for configuring the list of answers and the action for each answer



  name: 'question',
  displayName: 'Question',
  icon: 'fa-check',
  render: {
    template: [
      '{! if show !}',
      '<div data-view="content"></div>',
      '{! each button in fields.buttons !}',
      '<button class="answer">{! button.label !}</button><br />',
      '{! endeach !}',
      '{! endif !}'
    views: [
        name: 'content',
        displayName: 'Question content',
        placeholder: '<p>Drop content here</p>'
    ready: function() {
      var vm = this;

      // Show this question on load if marked to be shown
      if (_.first(this.fields.showOnLoad) === 'Yes') {
        this.set('show', true);

      // Register a click event when the answer is clicked
      this.$el.find('.answer').click(function() {
        // Find the label of the clicked answer button
        var label = $(this)
        var button = _.find(vm.fields.buttons, { label: label });

        // Hide the current question
        vm.set('show', false);

        if (button && button.goto) {
          // Find the target question
          var question = Fliplet.Helper.findOne({
            name: vm.name,
            fields: { id: parseInt(button.goto, 10) }

          if (question) {
            // Show the target question, if found
            question.set('show', true);
  configuration: {
    title: 'Question',
    fields: [
        type: 'html',
        ready: function(el) {
          // Display a warning to the user when there's only one question on the screen
          if (Fliplet.Helper.find({ name: 'question' }).length < 2) {
              '<p class="alert alert-warning">Only 1 Decision Tree component is found on this screen.\r\nTo create a custom user flow, add 1 more Decision Tree component to the screen.</p>'
        name: 'id',
        type: 'text',
        label: 'Question ID',
        change: function(value) {
          var field = this;

          // Display a warning when another question is using the same ID
          var question = Fliplet.Helper.findOne(function (question) {
            return question.name === 'question'
            	&& _.get(question, 'fields.id') === value
              && question.id !== field.$parent.instanceId;

          this.warning = question ? 'Question ID already in use' : '';
        type: 'checkbox',
        name: 'showOnLoad',
        label: 'Show question on load',
        options: ['Yes']
        name: 'buttons',
        label: 'Buttons',
        type: 'list',
        addLabel: 'Add button',
        headingFieldName: 'label',
        emptyListPlaceholderHtml: '<p>Please add at least one button</p>',
        fields: [
            name: 'label',
            type: 'text',
            label: 'Label',
            placeholder: 'Go to Question 2'
            name: 'goto',
            type: 'text',
            label: 'Go to Question'


<fl-helper name="question">
  <view name="content">
    <fl-container cid="123"></fl-container>
    <fl-text cid="456">
      <p>Here goes the content for the first question</p>


fl-helper[name="question"] {
  background: #EFEFEF;
  display: block;

  button {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 15px;
    padding: 3px 20px;

    fl-prop {
      font-size: 16px;