Analytics Events

Analytics Events

Page Analytics

Type Action Category Description
analytics.pageView     Screen view logged from app

App Events

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event about-overlay link User has open the about this app overlay
analytics.event action link User has clicked a link with an action type
analytics.event app link User navigates to a link
analytics.event back link User has clicked the back button
analytics.event exit-app link User has exited the application
analytics.event logout link User has logged out of the application
analytics.event screen link User has navigated to a new screen

App Management

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event app_update_check app_update User has manually checked for updates
analytics.event delete application User has deleted an application
analytics.event open application User has opened an application


Type Action Category Description
analytics.event app_share_button_clicked app_sharing User has clicked on app sharing button
analytics.event close share_url User has closed the share popup
analytics.event open share_url User has opened the share URL interface
analytics.event copy share_url User has copied a shared URL to clipboard
analytics.event email share_url User has shared content via email

Share Platforms

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event share_url User has shared content via AirDrop
analytics.event share_url User has copied content to clipboard
analytics.event share_url User has shared content via Mail
analytics.event share_url User has shared content via Messages
analytics.event share_url User has shared content via Outlook
analytics.event facebook share_url User has shared content via Facebook
analytics.event linkedin share_url User has shared content via LinkedIn
analytics.event messenger share_url User has shared content via Messenger
analytics.event net.whatsapp.WhatsApp.ShareExtension share_url User has shared content via WhatsApp
analytics.event telegram share_url User has shared content via Telegram
analytics.event twitter share_url User has shared content via Twitter
analytics.event vkontakte share_url User has shared content via VKontakte
analytics.event whatsapp share_url User has shared content via WhatsApp
analytics.event line share_url User has shared content via Line

Component Events

Authentication & Security

Lock Screen

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event enter_fail lock_screen User has failed to enter the correct lock screen credentials
analytics.event enter_success lock_screen User has successfully entered lock screen credentials
analytics.event forgot_passcode lock_screen User has initiated the forgot passcode flow on the lock screen
analytics.event setup_back lock_screen User has navigated back during lock screen setup
analytics.event setup_fail lock_screen User has failed to complete lock screen setup
analytics.event setup_success lock_screen User has successfully completed lock screen setup

Touch ID

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event touchid_admin_enabled lock_screen Administrator has enabled Touch ID functionality
analytics.event touchid_available lock_screen Touch ID has been detected as available on the device
analytics.event touchid_cancelled lock_screen User has cancelled the Touch ID authentication
analytics.event touchid_manual_activated lock_screen User has manually activated Touch ID
analytics.event touchid_verified lock_screen User has successfully verified using Touch ID

Login & Verification

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event login_fail login_datasource User has failed to login using datasource authentication
analytics.event login_pass login_datasource User has successfully logged in using datasource authentication
analytics.event forgot_password login_datasource User has initiated the forgot password flow for datasource login
analytics.event login_fail login_fliplet User has failed to login using Fliplet authentication
analytics.event login_pass login_fliplet User has successfully logged in using Fliplet authentication
analytics.event login_2fa_required login_fliplet User has been prompted for two-factor authentication during Fliplet login
analytics.event forgot_password login_fliplet User has initiated the forgot password flow for Fliplet login

Email & SMS Verification

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event authenticate_fail email_verification User has a failed authentification against the email verification component
analytics.event authenticate_pass email_verification User has a successful authentification against the email verification component
analytics.event code_request email_verification User has been sent a code for email verification component
analytics.event code_resend email_verification User has requested code to be resent for the email verification
analytics.event code_verify email_verification User has verified the code for email verification
analytics.event request_skip email_verification User has chosen to skip the email verification process
analytics.event authenticate_fail sms_verification User has a failed authentification against the sms verification component
analytics.event authenticate_pass sms_verification User has a successful authentification against the sms verification component
analytics.event code_request sms_verification User has been sent a code for the sms verification component
analytics.event code_resend sms_verification User has requested code to be resent for the sms verification
analytics.event code_verify sms_verification User has verified the code for SMS verification
analytics.event request_skip sms_verification User has chosen to skip the SMS verification process

List From Data (LFD) Components

Common List Actions

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event open LFD User has opened a List from Data component
analytics.event client_prefilter list_dynamic User has applied a filter to a dynamic list
analytics.event mixitup_init list_dynamic User has initialized the mixitup filter interface

Entry Management (Common across styles)

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event entry_bookmark list_dynamic_agenda User has bookmarked an entry in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event entry_unbookmark list_dynamic_agenda User has removed a bookmark from an entry in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event entry_open list_dynamic_agenda User has opened an entry in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event entry_bookmark list_dynamic_news-feed User has bookmarked an entry in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event entry_unbookmark list_dynamic_news-feed User has removed a bookmark from an entry in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event entry_open list_dynamic_news-feed User has opened an entry in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event entry_bookmark list_dynamic_simple-list User has bookmarked an entry in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event entry_unbookmark list_dynamic_simple-list User has removed a bookmark from an entry in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event entry_open list_dynamic_simple-list User has opened an entry in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event entry_bookmark list_dynamic_small-card User has bookmarked an entry in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event entry_unbookmark list_dynamic_small-card User has removed a bookmark from an entry in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event entry_open list_dynamic_small-card User has opened an entry in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event entry_open list_dynamic_small-h-card User has opened an entry in the small horizontal card style of LFD

Search & Filter Controls

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event search_filter_controls_activate list_dynamic_agenda User has activated search and filter controls in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event search_filter_controls_overlay_activate list_dynamic_agenda User has activated search and filter controls overlay in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event search list_dynamic_agenda User has performed a search in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event filter list_dynamic_agenda User has applied a filter in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event filter_date list_dynamic_agenda User has filtered by date in the agenda style of LFD
analytics.event search_filter_controls_activate list_dynamic_news-feed User has activated search and filter controls in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event search_filter_controls_overlay_activate list_dynamic_news-feed User has activated search and filter controls overlay in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event search list_dynamic_news-feed User has performed a search in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event filter list_dynamic_news-feed User has applied a filter in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event search_filter_controls_activate list_dynamic_simple-list User has activated search and filter controls in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event search_filter_controls_overlay_activate list_dynamic_simple-list User has activated search and filter controls overlay in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event search list_dynamic_simple-list User has performed a search in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event filter list_dynamic_simple-list User has applied a filter in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event search_filter_controls_activate list_dynamic_small-card User has activated search and filter controls in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event search_filter_controls_overlay_activate list_dynamic_small-card User has activated search and filter controls overlay in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event search list_dynamic_small-card User has performed a search in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event filter list_dynamic_small-card User has applied a filter in the small card style of LFD


Type Action Category Description
analytics.event comment_copy list_dynamic_news-feed User has copied a comment in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comment_delete list_dynamic_news-feed User has deleted a comment in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comment_edit list_dynamic_news-feed User has initiated editing a comment in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comment_save_edit list_dynamic_news-feed User has saved an edited comment in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comment_entered list_dynamic_news-feed User has started typing a comment in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comment_options list_dynamic_news-feed User has clicked on comment options in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comment_send list_dynamic_news-feed User has submitted a new comment in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comments_open list_dynamic_news-feed User has opened the comments section in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event comment_entered list_dynamic_simple-list User has started typing a comment in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event comment_options list_dynamic_simple-list User has clicked on comment options in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event comment_save_edit list_dynamic_simple-list User has saved an edited comment in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event comment_send list_dynamic_simple-list User has submitted a new comment in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event comments_open list_dynamic_simple-list User has opened the comments section in the simple list style of LFD

Likes & Social Interactions

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event entry_like list_dynamic_news-feed User has liked an entry in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event entry_unlike list_dynamic_news-feed User has removed a like from an entry in the news feed style of LFD
analytics.event entry_like list_dynamic_simple-list User has liked an entry in the simple list style of LFD
analytics.event entry_unlike list_dynamic_simple-list User has removed a like from an entry in the simple list style of LFD

Profile & Card Interactions

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event profile_buttons list_dynamic_small-card User has interacted with profile buttons in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event profile_open list_dynamic_small-card User has opened a profile in the small card style of LFD
analytics.event profile_buttons list_dynamic_small-h-card User has interacted with profile buttons in the small horizontal card style of LFD

Bookmarks Display

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event bookmarks_hide list_dynamic_agenda User has clicked to hide the bookmarks on the Agenda list
analytics.event bookmarks_show list_dynamic_agenda User has clicked to show the bookmarks on the Agenda list

Directory Component

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event entry_filter directory User has filtered entries in the directory
analytics.event entry_open directory User has opened an entry in the directory
analytics.event filter directory User has applied a filter in the directory
analytics.event search directory User has performed a search in the directory
analytics.event search_activate directory User has activated the search interface in the directory

Media Components

Audio Player

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event delete audio_player User has deleted an audio file from the audio player
analytics.event download audio_player User has initiated an audio file download
analytics.event download_cancel audio_player User has cancelled an audio file download
analytics.event pause audio_player User has paused audio playback
analytics.event play_offline audio_player User has played audio in offline mode
analytics.event play_stream audio_player User has started audio stream playback

Video Player

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event load_stream_offline video User has loaded a video stream in offline mode
analytics.event load_stream_online video User has loaded a video stream in online mode
analytics.event pause_stream video User has paused video stream playback
analytics.event play_stream video User has started video stream playback
Type Action Category Description
analytics.event document link User has clicked on a document link
analytics.event gallery link User has opened a gallery link
analytics.event popup link User has opened a popup link
analytics.event url_open link User has opened a URL link
analytics.event video link User has opened a video link

Form & List Interactions

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event reset form User has reset a form to its default state
analytics.event submit form User has submitted a form
analytics.event my_list list User has accessed their personal list
analytics.event swipe_save list User has saved an item using swipe gesture
analytics.event swipe_unsave list User has unsaved an item using swipe gesture


Type Action Category Description
analytics.event inbox_visit notification_inbox User has visited the notification inbox
analytics.event load_more notification_inbox User has loaded more notifications in the inbox
analytics.event notification_open notification_inbox User has opened a notification from the inbox
analytics.event notification_read_all notification_inbox User has marked all notifications as read
analytics.event notification_settings notification_inbox User has accessed notification settings

Other Components


Type Action Category Description
analytics.event open accordion User has opened an accordion element


Type Action Category Description
analytics.event data_point_interact chart User has interacted with a data point on a chart
analytics.event legend_filter chart User has filtered data using the chart legend

Market Comparison

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event topic market_comparison User has selected a topic for market comparison


Type Action Category Description
analytics.event button_click onboarding User has clicked a button within the onboarding interface
analytics.event skip onboarding User has chosen to skip the onboarding process

User Management

Type Action Category Description
analytics.event user-added   User has been added to the custom list in the Directory Solution
analytics.event user-removed   User has been removed from the custom list in the Directory Solution