Using Handlebars in your apps

Using Handlebars in your apps

All screens of your Fliplet app already include Handlebars 2.15.2 hence you can start using it straight away. Here’s a quick example following the official Handlebars docs:

// Compile a template in JavaScript by using Handlebars.compile
var source = '<h1>{{ title }}</h1><p>{{ body }}</p>';
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);

// Get the HTML result of evaluating a Handlebars template by executing the template with a context.
var context = { title: 'My New Post', body: 'This is my first post!' };
var html = template(context);

Using a template script for long-form templates

For clarity, you can include your source templates in the screen’s HTML so they’re easier to write. This is particularly useful if you are writing long-form templates. If you do so, you must escape all Handlebars commands with a backslash (\) because the screen HTML is also compiled by Handlebars in Fliplet’s engine:

<p>This is the screen of a Fliplet app</p>

<div id="output">
  <!-- This is where we will put the compiled HTML -->

<script id="source" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
\{{#if title}}
  <h4>\{{ title }}</h4>
  <p>\{{ body }}</p>
// Grab the template from the HTML and compile it with Handlebars
var source = $('#source').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);

// Get the HTML result
var context = { title: 'My New Post', body: 'This is my first post!' };
var compiledHTML = template(context);

// Write the HTML into our output

Using helpers to enhance your templates

Handlebars helpers can be used to add formatting (with Expression Helpers) and enhanced logic operations (with Block Expression Helpers) to your content. See Handlebars documentation to learn how to use and write your own helpers.

Fliplet apps and widget interfaces are loaded with the following helpers.

Expression Helpers

  • images (or image) outputs multiple <img> tags based on the URLs provided, e.g. {{images url}}
    • url A single image URL or an array of image URLs
    • join (optional) Add a join parameter to set a custom string used to separate multiple image tags, e.g. {{images url join="<br>"}}
  • auth outputs an authenticated URL for any encrypted assets stored by Fliplet, e.g. {{auth url}}
    • url URL to be authenticated
  • moment outputs a date/time value based on the provided format, e.g. {{moment timestamp format="MMM Do YY"}} to format a date, or {{moment timestamp inputFormat="H:mm" format="h:mm a"}} to format a timestamp based on a specific input format. See for the full documentation.
  • nl2br changes any new lines or carriage returns in the value to a <br> tag, adding a new line to the HTML output, e.g. {{nl2br str}}
    • str String to be parsed for new lines
  • plaintext outputs the combined text contents of HTML markup, e.g. {{plaintext html}}
    • html HTML markup to be processed
  • removeSpaces outputs the string with all spaces removed, e.g. {{removeSpaces str}}
    • str String to be processed
  • toJSONString changes any objects to a JSON string, e.g. {{toJSONString obj}}
    • obj Object to be parsed into a JSON string
  • get gets the value at path of object based on _.get(), with support for a custom default value if the resolved value is undefined, e.g. {{ get path defaultValue }}
    • path Path of the property to get
    • defaultValue The value returned for undefined resolved values

Available with List (from data source) component only

  • formatCSV ensures that " characters are removed if the input is a CSV that contains " characters due to , being used in a value, e.g. "Washington, D.C.", New York will be formatted into Washington, D.C., New York

Block Expression Helpers

  • compare, e.g. {{#compare a '===' b}}{{else}}{{/compare}}
    • The second parameter can be swapped out with any of the following operators for comparison: ==, ===, !=, !==, <, >, <=, >=, &&, || typeof (e.g. {{#compare a 'typeof' 'string'}}{{else}}{{/compare}})


  • ifCond Alias of and works the same way as compare
  • equals checks if two values provided are exactly the same, e.g. {{#equals a b}}{{else}}{{/equals}}. This is the same as {{#compare a '===' b}}{{else}}{{/compare}}.
  • and checks if two conditions are both truthy, e.g. {{#and a b}}{{else}}{{/and}}. This is the same as {{#compare a '&&' b}}{{else}}{{/compare}}.
  • or checks if one of the two conditions are truthy, e.g. {{#or a b}}{{else}}{{/or}}. This is the same as {{#compare a '||' b}}{{else}}{{/compare}}.