Dynamic components

Dynamic components

This feature is currently available to beta users only.

Helpers can be dropped into what we refer as “dynamic components”. These include the Dynamic container and List Repeater components. Such components supports reactive data binding between the source of the data and the helpers you build.

To support reactive data communication between the two, you must add the supportsDynamicContext: true property to your helper configuration:

  name: 'profile',
  supportsDynamicContext: true

When the above property is set, the parent property of your instance will reference the parent container that initialized your helper (unless the parent component is a helper, in which case the property will reference such helper).

Dynamic container

Data binding

You can use the Dynamic container’s connection object to retrieve data from a data source:

  name: 'profile',
  supportsDynamicContext: true,
  render: {
    ready() => {
      // Get the connection object from the parent component
      this.parent.connection().then((connection) => {
        // Find all entries in the data source
        return connection.findWithCursor(cursorData);
      }).then((rows) => {
        // Set the data to the helper
        this.set('foo', rows);

Here’s a working example of a helper using data from the dynamic container component:

  name: 'question',
  displayName: 'Question',
  icon: 'fa-check',
  supportsDynamicContext: true,
  render: {
      '{! each person in context !}' +
      '<label><input type="radio" name="{! fields.title !}" class="answer" value="{! person.data.email !}" /> {! person.data.Name !}</label><br />' +
      '{! endeach !}',
    ready: function() {
      var vm = this;

      // Register a click event when the answer is clicked
      this.$el.find('.answer').click(function() {
        var currentAnswer = $(this).val();
        var answer = _.find(vm.fields.answers, { label: currentAnswer });
        var results = Fliplet.Helper.findOne({ name: 'results' });

        results.set('answer', currentAnswer);
        results.set('correct', !!answer.correct);


Data binding

The repeater component declares its own context under the row attribute. The example below demonstrates a helper that renders data from the Name column of a Data Source Entry. The helper reads the row context data from the repeater component, which loops through an array of records.

  name: 'person',
  displayName: 'Person',
  icon: 'fa-check',
  supportsDynamicContext: true,
  render: {
    template: '<li>Name: {! row.data.Name !}</li>'

Further reading

Next article in this series


Learn more about how to add rich-content views to your helper.