

(Returns undefined)

Parses an error object and shows an optional initial message and a button to view the detailed error message that is typically more technical.


Fliplet.UI.Toast.error(error, message)
  • error (Any) Error object to be parsed
  • message (String) An optional initial message to be shown to the user (Default: Unexpected error)
Fliplet.UI.Toast.error(error, options)
  • error (Any) Error object to be parsed
  • options (Object) A mapping of options, with the following supported keys.
    • message (String) An optional initial message to be shown to the user (Default: Unexpected error)
    • label (String) Label for viewing the full error message. (Default: Details)


Use a Toast notification to manage a data source connection error

// Data Source 0 is not found, and will trigger an error
  .then(function (connection) {
    return connection.find();
  .catch(function (error) {
    Fliplet.UI.Toast.error(error, {
      message: 'Error loading data'

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