

(Returns Object)

Create a range slider input field. This provides a simple mechanism to allow the selection of a number within the given range.


Add the fliplet-ui-rangeslider dependency to your screen or app libraries.


To set up a range slider field, use the following markup.

<div class="form-group fl-range-slider" id="target">
  <input type="range" min max step value>

The range slider can be initialized with the following presets via attributes set on the type="range" input.

  • min (Number) The lowest value in the range of permitted values. (Default: 0)
  • max (Number) The greatest value in the range of permitted values. (Default: 100)
  • step (Number) The step attribute is a number that specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to. Only values that match the specified stepping interval are valid.
  • value (Number) Default value for the field

Then, instantiate the slider range field using the Fliplet.UI.RangeSlider constructor.

var instance = Fliplet.UI.RangeSlider('#target');


Fliplet.UI.RangeSlider(el, options)
  • el (String|Node|jQuery) Selector or node for the target element
  • options (Object) A map of options for the constructor
    • value (Number) Default value


The range slider instance returned by the constructor contains the following property.

  • $el (jQuery) The jQuery object containing the range slider instance.


The range slider instance supports the following methods.


(Returns String)

Gets the value of the range slider field.



Gives the range slider field a value.

instance.set(value, triggerChange)
  • value (Object) New range slider value.
  • triggerChange (Boolean) If false, the range slider value will be set without triggering the change event listeners. (Default: true)


Add an event listener to be triggered when the range slider value changes.

  • fn (Function<String>) Callback function to be run when the range slider value changes. The function is called with the instance as the this context and the new range slider value as the parameter.

Helper functions


(Returns Object)

Gets the range slider instance from a node or jQuery object.

  • el (String|Node|jQuery) Selector or node for the target element

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