

The Address field is a customizable component that integrates with Google Maps to enable address lookup. It allows users to search and select addresses using Google’s autocomplete and retrieve location details.


Add the fliplet-ui-address dependency to your screen or app libraries.


To set up an Address field, use the following markup.

  <div class="form-group fl-address-field" ref="target">
      class="form-control focus-outline"
    <ul v-if="suggestionSelected" class="google-autocomplete">
      <li v-for="(option, index) in addressSuggestions" :key="index" @click="selectSuggestion(option)" :class="{ 'active': index === activeSuggestionIndex }">
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" width="17" height="17" viewBox="0 0 256 256" xml:space="preserve">
          <g style="stroke: none; stroke-width: 0; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 10; fill: none; fill-rule: nonzero; opacity: 1;" transform="translate(1.4065934065934016 1.4065934065934016) scale(2.81 2.81)">
            <path d="M 15.514 -0.501 c -6.165 0 -11.18 5.015 -11.18 11.18 c 0 1.715 0.378 3.36 1.13 4.901 c 1.034 2.075 4.06 7.191 7.264 12.608 l 1.56 2.64 c 0.256 0.433 0.722 0.7 1.226 0.7 s 0.97 -0.266 1.226 -0.7 l 1.559 -2.638 c 3.182 -5.379 6.189 -10.463 7.243 -12.565 c 0.01 -0.018 0.02 -0.037 0.028 -0.055 c 0.746 -1.531 1.123 -3.177 1.123 -4.89 C 26.694 4.515 21.678 -0.501 15.514 -0.501 z M 15.514 14.734 c -2.453 0 -4.448 -1.995 -4.448 -4.448 s 1.996 -4.448 4.448 -4.448 s 4.448 1.996 4.448 4.448 S 17.966 14.734 15.514 14.734 z" style="stroke: none; stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 10; fill: rgb(142,142,142); fill-rule: nonzero; opacity: 1;" transform=" matrix(2.81 0 0 2.81 1.4065934065934016 1.4065934065934016) " stroke-linecap="round"/>

Initialize field using the Fliplet.UI.AddressField constructor.

var instance = Fliplet.UI.AddressField(target);


  • el (String|Node|jQuery) Selector or node for the target element


The Address instance supports the following methods.


(Returns String)

Gets the value of the address field.



Sets the value of the address field.

instance.set(value, triggerChange)
  • value (Object) A string representing the new address value.
  • triggerChange (Boolean) If false, the address value will be set without triggering the change event listeners. (Default: true)


Clears the address value from the input.

  • triggerChange (Boolean) If false, the address value will be set without triggering the change event listeners. (Default: true)


Add an event listener to be triggered when the address field value changes.

  • fn (Function<String>) Callback function to be run when the address field value changes. The function is called with the instance as the this context and the new address field value as the parameter.


Fetch autocomplete suggestions based on the input and country restrictions.

instance.getAutocompleteSuggestions(input, countryRestrictions)
  • input (String): The input string to search for.
  • countryRestrictions (Array<String>): An array of country codes to restrict the search to specific countries.

Returns: A Promise that resolves to an array of suggestion objects containing label and id. If an error occurs during the API request or if the data is not in the expected format, it returns an empty array.

Example Response for getAutocompleteSuggestions('london', ["GB", "US"])

    "label": "London, UK",
    "id": "ChIJdd4hrwug2EcRmSrV3Vo6llI"
    "label": "London, OH, USA",
    "id": "ChIJc9zXPAXSOIgRF2Gq6XYsFXE"
    "label": "London, KY, USA",
    "id": "ChIJA0zCjKVgXogRcrfaaZhBT6M"


Retrieves address components for a specific place ID.

  • id (String): A string representing the Google Maps place ID.

Returns: A promise that resolves to an array of address components. Empty array would be returned if there was a network issue or if the data format was incorrect.

Example Response for getAddressComponents("ChIJY-kURM4EdkgRoDcrLliZifE")

        "long_name": "44",
        "short_name": "44",
        "types": [
        "long_name": "Trafalgar Square",
        "short_name": "Trafalgar Sq",
        "types": [
        "long_name": "London",
        "short_name": "London",
        "types": [
        "long_name": "Greater London",
        "short_name": "Greater London",
        "types": [
        "long_name": "England",
        "short_name": "England",
        "types": [
        "long_name": "United Kingdom",
        "short_name": "GB",
        "types": [
        "long_name": "WC2N 5DS",
        "short_name": "WC2N 5DS",
        "types": [

Helper functions


(Returns Object)

Gets the Address field instance from a node or jQuery object.

  • el (String|Node|jQuery) Selector or node for the target element

Variables you will need to define

  • countryRestrictions: Array
    • Description: An array of country restrictions for address suggestions.
    • Default Value: []
  • manualInput: Boolean
    • Description: Determines if manual input is allowed.
    • Default Value: true
  • storeInSeparateFields: Boolean
    • Description: Indicates whether to store address components in separate fields.
    • Default Value: false
  • separateFieldsName: Array
    • Description: An array of objects defining separate field labels and keys for the address components.
    • Default Value:
        { label: 'Street number of the address', key: 'streetNumber' },
        { label: 'Street name of the address', key: 'streetName' },
        { label: 'City name', key: 'city' },
        { label: 'State name', key: 'state' },
        { label: 'Postal code', key: 'postalCode' },
        { label: 'Country', key: 'country' }
  • fieldOptions: Array
    • Description: An array of available field options for the address field to pass its values.
    • Default Value: []
  • selectedFieldOptions: Object
    • Description: An object holding the currently selected field options for each address component.
    • Default Value:
      function() {
        return {
          streetNumber: '',
          streetName: '',
          city: '',
          state: '',
          country: '',
          postalCode: ''
  • addressSuggestions: Array
    • Description: An array of suggestions for the address field.
    • Default Value: []
  • addressComponents: Array
    • Description: An array of components of the selected address.
    • Default Value: []
  • suggestionSelected: Boolean
    • Description: Indicates whether a suggestion has been selected from the suggestions list.
    • Default Value: false
  • activeSuggestionIndex: Number
    • Description: The index of the currently active suggestion in the suggestions list.
    • Default Value: -1
  • lastChosenAutocompleteValue: String
    • Description: Stores the label of the last chosen autocomplete suggestion.
    • Default Value: ''

Functions you will need to define

initAutocomplete(input, countryRestrictions)

Initializes the address field’s autocomplete functionality and fetches suggestions based on user input and country restrictions.

initAutocomplete: async function(input, countryRestrictions) {
  // Initialize the address field using Fliplet's UI component
  this.addressField = Fliplet.UI.AddressField(this.$refs.addressField);

  // Fetch autocomplete suggestions for the given input and country restrictions
  const suggestions = await this.addressField.getAutocompleteSuggestions(input, countryRestrictions);

  // Check if the current value is an object (indicating that something has already been selected from the suggestions)
  if (typeof this.value === 'object') {
    // If the value is an object, reset the address suggestions and mark suggestion as selected
    this.addressSuggestions = [];
    this.suggestionSelected = true;
  } else {
    // Otherwise, update the address suggestions with the fetched suggestions
    this.addressSuggestions = suggestions;
  • input (String) – The text input for which autocomplete suggestions are being fetched.
  • countryRestrictions (Array<String>) – An array of country codes that restrict the autocomplete suggestions to specific countries.


Updates the available field options based on the parent fields, filtering out specific field types (e.g., flButtons and flAddress).

updateFieldOptions: function() {
  var fields = this.$parent.fields; // Access the parent fields

  // Map the fields to create an array of field options
  this.fieldOptions = fields.map(function(field) {
    // Exclude specific field types from the options
    if (field._type !== 'flButtons' && field._type !== 'flAddress') {
      return { label: field.label, disabled: false }; // Create an option object for valid fields
  }).filter(Boolean); // Filter out any undefined values from the array


Extracts address components from a given place object and returns an object containing structured address data.

extractAddressComponents: function(place) {
  // Initialize an object to hold the extracted address data
  const addressData = {
    streetNumber: '',
    streetName: '',
    city: '',
    state: '',
    country: '',
    postalCode: ''

  // Iterate through each component in the place array
  for (const component of place) {
    const { types, long_name: longName } = component; // Destructure to get types and long name of the component

    // Iterate through each type of the current component
    for (const type of types) {
      switch (type) {
        case 'street_number':
          addressData.streetNumber = longName;
        case 'route':
          addressData.streetName = longName;
        case 'locality':
          addressData.city = longName;
        case 'postal_town':
          if (!addressData.city) {
            addressData.city = longName;
        case 'administrative_area_level_1':
          addressData.state = longName;
        case 'country':
          addressData.country = longName;
        case 'postal_code':
          addressData.postalCode = longName;

          // Ignore other types not explicitly handled

  // Return the populated addressData object with the extracted address components
  return addressData;
  • place (Array<Object>) – An array of address components returned from a geocoding service, where each component includes its types and long name.

assignValuesToSeparateFields(place, separateFieldsName)

Assigns extracted address component values to specified separate fields based on the provided field names.

assignValuesToSeparateFields: function(place, separateFieldsName) {
  // Extract address components from the given place object
  const addressData = this.extractAddressComponents(place);

  // Iterate over each field in the separateFieldsName array
  separateFieldsName.forEach(field => {
    // Assign the extracted address component value to the corresponding field
    field.value = addressData[field.key];
  • place (Array<Object>) – An array of address components returned from a geocoding service.
  • separateFieldsName (Array<Object>) – An array of objects, each containing a key property that corresponds to the keys in the addressData object and a value property where the extracted values will be assigned.

updateSelectedFieldsProperty(attr, value)

Updates the specified property of selected fields based on the given attribute and value.

updateSelectedFieldsProperty: function(attr, value) {
  // Toggle the value if the attribute is 'readonly'
  if (attr === 'readonly') {
    value = !value;

  // Get the parent fields and selected field options
  const fields = this.$parent.fields;
  const selectedValues = Object.values(this.selectedFieldOptions);

  // Iterate over each field and update the specified property if it matches the selected values
  fields.forEach(field => {
    if (selectedValues.includes(field.name)) {
      field[attr] = value;
  • attr (String) – The attribute/property of the fields to be updated (e.g., readonly, value).
  • value (Boolean) – The new value to assign to the specified attribute of the selected fields.


Updates the selected field options by validating them against the available field options. If any selected option is not valid, it resets that option to an empty string.

updateSelectedFieldsOptions: function() {
  // Iterate over each key in the selectedFieldOptions object
  Object.keys(this.selectedFieldOptions).forEach(key => {
    const selectedFieldLabel = this.selectedFieldOptions[key]; // Get the currently selected field label
    // Check if the selected field label exists in the available field options
    const isValidOption = this.fieldOptions.find(option => option.label === selectedFieldLabel);

    // If the selected option is not valid, reset it to an empty string
    if (!isValidOption) {
      this.selectedFieldOptions[key] = '';


Updates the disabled status of field options based on the currently selected field options and their assigned values.

updateDisabledOptions: function() {
  // Update the field options and the selected fields options

  // Get an array of assigned values from the selected field options
  const assignedValues = Object.values(this.selectedFieldOptions)
    .filter(value => value && this.fieldOptions.some(option => option.label === value))
    .map(value => value); // Filter and map to only include valid assigned values

  // Disable options that have been assigned
  this.fieldOptions.forEach(option => {
    option.disabled = assignedValues.includes(option.label); // Set disabled status based on assigned values


Sets up an event listener that is triggered when the address field value changes. This function processes the selected address components and updates relevant field values accordingly.

onChange: function() {
  // Add a change event listener to the address field
  this.addressField.change((value) => {
    // Check if there are any address components available
    if (this.addressComponents.length) {
      // Assign extracted address components to separate fields
      this.assignValuesToSeparateFields(this.addressComponents, this.separateFieldsName);

      // Iterate over the selected field options to update the corresponding field values
      for (const key in this.selectedFieldOptions) {
        if (!this.selectedFieldOptions[key]) continue; // Skip empty selections

        const matchedField = this.separateFieldsName.find(field => field.key === key); // Find the matched field by key
        const fieldName = this.selectedFieldOptions[key]; // Get the field name from selected options

        if (!matchedField) continue; // Skip if no matched field found

        const fields = this.$parent.fields; // Access parent fields

        // Update the value of the matched field
        fields.forEach(field => {
          if (field.label === fieldName) {
            field.value = matchedField.value; // Set the field's value

    // Update the property of the selected fields to read-only based on manual input
    this.updateSelectedFieldsProperty('readonly', this.manualInput);

    // Set the current value and update it based on whether manual input is allowed
    if (!this.manualInput && this.addressComponents.length) {
      this.suggestionSelected = true;
      this.value = value;
    } else {
      this.value = value;

    this.suggestionSelected = true; // Ensure the suggestion is marked as selected


Handles keyboard events for navigating and selecting address suggestions in the autocomplete dropdown.

handleKeyDown: function(event) {
  const suggestionsCount = this.addressSuggestions.length; // Get the count of available suggestions

  // If there are no suggestions, exit the function early
  if (!suggestionsCount) {

  // Handle different key events
  switch (event.key) {
    case 'ArrowDown': // Move down in the suggestions
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behavior (e.g., scrolling)

      // Move to the next suggestion if possible
      if (this.activeSuggestionIndex < suggestionsCount - 1) {
        this.activeSuggestionIndex += 1; // Increment the active suggestion index


    case 'ArrowUp': // Move up in the suggestions
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behavior

      // Move to the previous suggestion if possible
      if (this.activeSuggestionIndex > 0) {
        this.activeSuggestionIndex -= 1; // Decrement the active suggestion index


    case 'Enter': // Select the currently active suggestion
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behavior

      // If a suggestion is currently active, select it
      if (this.activeSuggestionIndex >= 0) {
        const selectedSuggestion = this.addressSuggestions[this.activeSuggestionIndex]; // Get the selected suggestion

        this.lastChosenAutocompleteValue = selectedSuggestion.label; // Store the label of the selected suggestion
        this.selectSuggestion(selectedSuggestion); // Call the function to handle the selection
        this.activeSuggestionIndex = -1; // Reset the active suggestion index


      break; // Do nothing for other keys


Handles click events outside the suggestions list to clear suggestions if necessary.

handleClickOutside: function(event) {
  const suggestionsList = this.$el.querySelector('.google-autocomplete'); // Get the suggestions list element

  // Check if the suggestions list exists and if the click was outside of it while manual input is enabled
  if (suggestionsList && !suggestionsList.contains(event.target) && this.manualInput) {
    this.addressSuggestions = []; // Clear the address suggestions
    this.suggestionSelected = false; // Mark that no suggestion has been selected

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