

(Returns Promise)

Show a sheet of options the user can choose from.

If an action is chosen, the Promise is resolved when the specified action is completed or resolved with the 0-based index provided as the first parameter. The Promise is also resolved when user chooses to cancel and dismiss the action sheet. In this case, the index provided in the resolving function will be undefined.


iOS and desktop Android
Action Sheet (iOS) Action Sheet (Android)


  • options (Object) A map of options to pass to the constructor.
    • title (String) A title that appears above the options.
    • labels (Array) Options to show the user. Each label object contains the following properties:
      • label (String) Option label to show the user.
      • action (Object or Function)
        • (Object) If the object contains a type key with a value of copyText, the value for text will be copied to the clipboard. Otherwise, the object will be passed to Fliplet.Navigate.to() and executed accordingly.
        • (Function) If a function is provided, the function will be run with the 0-based index of the label as the first parameter.
    • cancel (Boolean or String) Unless this is false or an empty string, a cancel button will be added at the bottom with the provided string used as the button label. (Default: Cancel)


The toast instance returned in the promise resolving function will contain the following properties.

  • data (Object) A data object containing the configuration fro the Toast notification.


Open an address in Google Maps or share the address

var mapUrl = 'https://maps.google.com/?addr=N1+9PF';
  title: 'What do you want with this address?',
  labels: [
      label: 'Open in Google Maps',
      action: {
        action: 'url',
        url: mapUrl
      label: 'Share URL',
      action: function (i) {
        // i will be 1
  cancel: 'Dismiss'
  // i will be 0 or 1 depending on users's choice
  // ...or undefined if user chooses chooses "Dismiss"

Copy a Google Maps address

var mapUrl = 'https://maps.google.com/?addr=N1+9PF';
  title: 'What do you want with this address?',
  labels: [
      label: 'Copy address',
      action: {
        type: 'copyText',
        text: mapUrl
  cancel: 'Dismiss'

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