Fliplet.OAuth2 (Beta)

Fliplet.OAuth2 (Beta)

The fliplet-oauth2 package contains helpers for standardizing requests to OAuth2 web services with a client-side integration.

The Fliplet OAuth2 library is currently in beta: We suggest specifying the library version using `fliplet-oauth2:0.1` when including the Fliplet OAuth2 library to avoid the functionality breaking when new versions of the feature are released.

To configure an OAuth2 service provider, call Fliplet.OAuth2.configure() with the service specificaions and use Fliplet.OAuth2(service) with the specified service name to access the available methods, e.g. Fliplet.OAuth2(service).api(path).

// Configure services
Fliplet.OAuth2.configure(service, configuration);
// Make API requests using configured service
  .then(function (response) {
    // Process response from API service as necessary


1. Configure a connection with GitHub

Note: The service configuration is likely executed via the Global JS code in Fliplet Studio.

Fliplet.OAuth2.configure('github', {
  authUrl: 'http://github.com/login/oauth/authorize', // from OAuth2 service provider
  grantType: 'implicit', // as supported by OAuth2 service provider
  grantUrl: 'https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token', // from OAuth2 service provider
  baseUrl: 'https://api.github.com/', // from OAuth2 service provider
  clientId: 'uztcbv3bwtkxmmej1lxv', // from OAuth2 service provider
  clientSecret: 'jepbrhknlxjxriltyjrtprbevdfclnagn2uc1dsq', // from OAuth2 service provider
  redirectUrl: 'https://api.fliplet.com/v1/auth/sso-callback', // as configured with OAuth2 service provider
  state: 'cbv3bwhJv6K5l9-1' // optional state parameter during login

2. Log in using the configured GitHub service

Note: The service name as configured through Fliplet.OAuth2.configure() is passed to Fliplet.OAuth2() to make sure the correct connection configurations are used.

// Start login process
  .then(function (response) {
    // Authentication response is cached and returned

3. Make API requests using the configured GitHub service

Note: The service name as configured through Fliplet.OAuth2.configure() is passed to Fliplet.OAuth2() to make sure the correct connection configurations are used.

The Fliplet OAuth2 library will manage authentication tokens and any token refreshing (if configured) before making API calls.

The login page can process these query parameters via Fliplet.Navigate.query to customize the user experience accordingly.

  .then(function (response) {
    // Process response from API service as necessary

Cross-Domain AJAX requests

A common problem for developers is a browser to refuse access to a remote resource. Usually, this happens when you execute AJAX cross domain request using jQuery Ajax interface, Fetch API, or plain XMLHttpRequest. As result is that the AJAX request is not performed and data are not retrieved.

This can occur with OAuth2 services if the service provider is not configured to allow Fliplet’s app domains.

Cross-Origin Request Sharing (CORS) sometimes needs to be configured with the service provider to ensure API requests can be made across domains. See AJAX cross domain and cross-origin requests for more information.



(Returns null)

Configure an OAuth2 service or multiple OAuth2 services.

Fliplet.OAuth2.configure(service, configuration)
  • service (String) Required A service name. The service name is used when making Fliplet.OAuth2 requests.
  • configuration (Object) Required A key-value map of options to configure multiple services with. Each object can contain the following details.
    • clientId (String) Required Client ID as supplied by the OAuth2 service.
    • clientSecret (String) Required Client Secret as supplied by the OAuth2 service.
    • redirectUrl (String) Required Full page URL where users will be redirected to after a successful login through the OAuth2 service. It’s also called authorization callback URL by some OAuth2 services. Fliplet provides https://api.fliplet.com/v1/auth/sso-callback to show a generic login success message. You may use any custom page as necessary.
    • authUrl (String) Required Authorization URL as supplied by the OAuth2 service.
    • grantType (String) token|code Required Choose to use implicit (token) or explicit (code) grant flow to be used when logging in. Default: token
    • grantUrl (String) Grant URL as supplied by the OAuth2 service. Required if an explicit grant flow is used when calling .login().
    • grantData (Object) A mapping object of data to pass to grantUrl when requesting an access token via the explicit grant flow.
    • baseUrl (String) Base URL for API requests. API requests made with a full URL will ignore the baseUrl. If baseUrl is not provided, API requests are expected to be called using a full URL.
    • useProxy (Boolean) Set as true to use Fliplet’s proxy when granting access token using the explicit the grant flow and when making API requests. This may be necessary if the service is not configured to work with cross-domain AJAX requests. See AJAX cross domain and cross-origin requests for more information. Default: false
    • state (String) state is an optional parameter that, if provided, is returned by the OAuth2 service during the redirect step for additional verification during login.
    • scope (String) A comma separated string of scopes as provided by the OAuth2 service.
    • refresh (Boolean) Indicates that the OAuth2 service supports refreshing access tokens to keep them valid. Default: false
  • services Required (Object) A key-value map of service configurations to configure multiple services in one go. Each service configuration should use the service name as the key and a configuration that follows the specification as outlined for the configuration parameter above.


(Returns Promise)

Initialize the OAuth2 authentication process with the in-app browser.

  • service (String) Required Service name as configured in Fliplet.OAuth2.configure().


(Returns Promise)

Logout and remove session with a specific service.

  • service (String) Required Service name as configured in Fliplet.OAuth2.configure(). The currently active session in the specified service will be removed after the user has successfully logged out.


(Returns Promise)

Get the current status of sessions with a selected service. This does not validate any sessions which may have expired.

  • service (String) Required Service name as configured in Fliplet.OAuth2.configure().


(Returns Promise)

Make calls to the API for getting and posting data.

Note: The Fliplet OAuth2 library will manage authentication tokens and any token refreshing (if configured) before making API calls.

  • service (String) Required Service name as configured in Fliplet.OAuth2.configure().
  • path (String) Required A relative path to the service base URL as configued in Fliplet.OAuth2.configure() or a full URL. If a full URL is provided the base URL will be ignored. When using a single path parameter, the request will be made as a GET request.
  • options (Object) Required A map of options to pass to the method.
    • path (String) Required A relative path to the service base URL as configued in Fliplet.OAuth2.configure() or a full URL. If a full URL is provided the base URL will be ignored.
    • method (String) get|post|put|delete HTTP request method to use. Default: GET
    • data (Object) A JSON object of data, FormData, HTMLInputElement, HTMLFormElment to be sent along with a get, post or put request. Default: null


(Returns null)

Add event listeners to OAuth2 responses.

Fliplet.Oauth2(service).on(eventName, fn)
  • service (String) Required Service name as configured in Fliplet.OAuth2.configure().
  • eventName (String) See Events below.
  • fn (Function) Event handler function to execute when event is fired.


  • auth.login User is successfully logged in. The authentication response is passed to the event handler function.
  • auth.fail User fails to log in. The error response is passed to the event handler function.
  • auth.logout User is successfully logged out.

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