


Add the fliplet-csv dependency to your screen or app resources.


(Returns String)

Encodes JSON data into CSV.

Fliplet.CSV.encode(data, options);
  • data (Object | Array) JSON data to be encoded into CSV.
  • options (Object) Optional configuration for further CSV encoding. Note Fliplet CSV uses \n as the newline sequence by default to maximize CSV shareability and support across all platforms. In addition, the following options are also supported:
    • base64 (Boolean) Set as true to encode the CSV data in Base64 encoding. (Default: false)
    • dataUrl (Boolean) Set as true to encode the CSV data as data: URL. (Default: false)
    • columns (Array) Include only the specified columns, in given order (Default: All columns)
    • config (Object) See Papa Parse documentation for the supported parameters supported by Papa.unparse().

The CSV JS API uses Papa Parse as the underlying engine. This means it’s capable of generating CSV with different data formats. Examples:

// Specifying a collection of entries
  { 'Column 1', 'foo', 'Column 2': 'bar' },
  { 'Column 1', 'abc', 'Column 2': 'def' }

// Pick specific columns from a collection of entries
  { 'Column 1', 'foo', 'Column 2': 'bar', 'Column 3': 'baz' },
  { 'Column 1', 'abc', 'Column 2': 'def', 'Column 3': 'ghi' }
], {
  columns: ['Column 3', 'Column 1'] // Show only the specified columns, in given order

// Specifying fields and data explicitly
  fields: ['Column 1', 'Column 2'],
  data: [
    ['foo', 'bar'],
    ['abc', 'def']

// Two-line, comma-delimited, without header row
  ['1-1', '1-2', '1-3'],
  ['2-1', '2-2', '2-3']


(Returns Array)

Decodes CSV string into JSON data.

Fliplet.CSV.decode(csv, options);
  • csv (String) CSV string to be decoded.
  • options Optional configuration for further CSV encoding. See Papa Parse documentation for more.


(Returns Promise)

Downloads JSON data as a CSV file.

Note Downloading CSV files only works in web apps.

Fliplet.CSV.download(data, options);
  • data JSON data to be encoded into CSV.
  • options (Object) Optional configuration for further CSV encoding. See Fliplet.CSV.encode() above for more information. In addition, the following options are also supported:
    • fileName (String) Full file name (including file extension) for the downloaded file. (Default: Untitled.csv)
    • columns (Array) Include only the specified columns, in given order (Default: All columns)


Attaches CSV file to an email.

(Returns Promise)

Emails JSON data as a CSV attachment.

Note Attaching CSV files to emails only works in native apps.

Fliplet.CSV.email(data, options);
  • data JSON data to be encoded into CSV.
  • options (Object) Optional configuration for further CSV encoding. See Fliplet.CSV.encode() above for more information. In addition, the following options are also supported:

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