Push Notifications JS APIs

Push Notifications JS APIs

These public JS APIs will be automatically available in your screens once Push Notifications have been enabled for your app.

Ask the user to subscribe for push notifications

The ask() method will automatically take care of asking the user whether he wants to subscribe for push notifications and then create a subscription. If the user is already subscribed, the method will resolve silently with the user’s subscriptionId. If the user has decided not to subscribe, the promise will be rejected.


The above code returns a Promise which you can use to control state flow and provide errors if necessary:

// this might display an "Allow" popup to the user
Fliplet.Widget.get('PushNotifications').ask().then(function (subscriptionId) {
  // the user subscribed for push
}).catch(function (error) {
  // here you can present the error to the user if necessary

Verify the device’s push notification settings

Use the Fliplet.User.getPushNotificationSettings() method to find out whether the user has allowed alerts, badges and sounds for push notifications.

This method requires the native framework version 4.5.0 or newer to ensure the correct settings are returned.

This is the list of properties returned on all platforms:

  • alert: boolean
  • badge: boolean
  • sound: boolean

When running the method on Android the following properties are also returned:

  • canBypassDnd: boolean - whether or not notifications can bypass the “Do Not Disturb” mode
  • importance: number - the importance of a channel, from 0 (low) to 5 (high)
  • lightColor: number - the notification light color for notifications
  • lockScreenVisibility: number - whether or not notifications are shown on the lockscreen in full or redacted form. -1 indicates no visibility, 0 indicates private (do not reveal any part of this notification on a secure lockscreen) and 1 indicates public (show this notification in its entirety on all lockscreens)

Please refer to the Android notification documentation for more details about the properties listed above.

Fliplet.User.getPushNotificationSettings().then(function(settings) {
  if (settings.alert) {
    // Alerts are enabled

  if (settings.badge) {
    // Badges are enabled

  if (settings.sound) {
    // Sounds are enabled
}, function(error) {
  // There was an error fetching the settings

Note: calling the method above does not automatically subscribe user for push notifications.

Reset the user’s push notification settings

Use the reset() method to clear the local settings on whether the user has decided not to subscribe for push notifications. This method is useful if you want to present the ask() popup once again even if the user did decide not to subscribe in the past.

Fliplet.Widget.get('PushNotifications').reset().then(function () {
  // resetted successfully

Get the Fliplet push subscription ID of the user

If you want to send push notifications to Fliplet devices using our infrastructure, you most likely want to get the Fliplet subscription ID of a user.

Fliplet.User.getSubscriptionId().then(function (subscriptionId) {
  // get the push subscription ID of the user

Unsubscribe the user from push notifications

Fliplet.User.unsubscribe(appId).then(function () {
  // unsubscribed successfully

Get the push notification token of the user

Fliplet.User.getPushToken({}).then(function (token) {
  // make use of the token here