Interactive Graphics JS APIs

Interactive Graphics JS APIs

These public JS APIs are available in screens where an Interactive Graphics component is present.


The Interactive Graphics component exposes hooks that you can use to modify the component data and behavior. Here are the hooks and their specific life cycle:


This hook is fired before getting data source data.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeGetData', fn);


  • fn (Function((Object) data)) Callback function with an object parameter
    • data (Object) Object containing properties listed below
      • id (Number) Component instance ID. This differs between master and production apps.
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID. This is consistent between master and production apps.
      • config (Object) Component instance configuration.
      • container (DOM) Component instance container element.


This hook is fired before rendering the maps and markers. You can use this hook to load the map with a specific marker selected. This will automatically select the correct map for the specified marker.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', fn);


Select a marker by ID

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', function () {
  return { markerId: 1234 };

Select a marker by name

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', function () {
  return { markerName: 'Marker name' };

Select a map by name

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', function () {
  return { mapName: 'Map one' };

Do not select any marker

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', function () {
  return { selectMarker: false };


  • fn (Function((Object) data)) Callback function with an object parameter
    • data (Object) Object containing properties listed below
      • id (Number) Component instance ID. This differs between master and production apps.
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID. This is consistent between master and production apps.
      • config (Object) Component instance configuration.
      • container (DOM) Component instance container element.
      • markers (Array) List of markers and associated data.


This hook is fired after everything is rendered and the user clicks on the marker label. Nothing is expected to be returned.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsLabelClick', fn);


  • fn (Function(data)) Callback function with an object parameter
    • data (Object) Object containing properties listed below
      • id (Number) Component instance ID. This differs between master and production apps.
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID. This is consistent between master and production apps.
      • config (Object) Component instance configuration.
      • container (DOM) Component instance container element.
      • selectedMarker (Object) Selected marker data.


Using the available hooks, component instance configuration can be used to modify component data and behavior. The available configuration properties are listed below:

  • cache (Boolean) Set to false to always retrieve data from the server. Default: true.
  • getData (Promise) Function used to return an array of entries. Each entry must include the following properties, which the Fliplet.DataSources JS API follows. Note This function is best set using the flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeGetData hook.
    • id (Number) Entry ID
    • data (Object) Entry data


Use custom data for the mapping markers onto the graphics

Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeGetData', function onBeforeGetData(data) {
  // disable caching the data so it's always retrieved from the server
  data.config.cache = false;

  // Define the "getData" promise to manually fetching data
  data.config.getData = function () {
    // In this example we connect to a data source with ID 123
    // Change the ID to your data source ID
    return Fliplet.DataSources.connect(123)
      .then(function(connection) {
      // Get all entries in the data source matching a specific condition
      return connection.find({
        where: { column: 'value' }

Initialize the component with a specific marker or map

// Select marker with ID 1234
Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', function onBeforeRender(data) {
  return { markerId: 1234 };

// Select marker with name 'Marker one'
Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', function onBeforeRender(data) {
  return { markerName: 'Marker one' };

// Select map with name 'Map one'
Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsBeforeRender', function onBeforeRender(data) {
  return { mapName: 'Map one' };
Fliplet.Hooks.on('flInteractiveGraphicsLabelClick', function onLabelClick(data) {
  return Fliplet.Navigate.screen(123);
