


Retrieve an instance

Since you can have many charts in a screen, we provide some handy functions to grab a specific instance by its chart name or the first one available in the page when no input parameter is given.


Retrieves the first or specific chart instance.

// Gets the first chart instance
  .then(function(chart) {
    // Use chart to perform various actions

// Gets the first chart instance named 'foo'
  .then(function (chart) {
    // Use chart to perform various actions

Alternatively, you can also retrieve the first chart instance of a specific type.

Support values for type are: bar, column, donut, line, pie, scatter.

// Gets the first line chart instance
Fliplet.Chart.get({ type: 'line' })
  .then(function(chart) {
    // Use chart to perform various actions


Retrieve all chart instances or all chart instances that match the specified query.

// Get all charts
  .then(function(charts) {
    // Use charts to perform various actions

// Get all charts named 'foo'
  .then(function(charts) {
    // Use charts to perform various actions

// Get all pie charts
Fliplet.Chart.getAll({ type: 'pie' })
  .then(function(charts) {
    // Use charts to perform various actions

Instance properties

The chart instance variable above makes available the following instance properties.

  • Chart name
  • chart.type Chart type

Instance methods

The chart instance variable above makes available the following instance methods.


Instantly refreshes the chart by getting the latest data. If auto-refresh is enabled, the timer is after data is retrieved.

The method returns a promise that resolves when the chart is redrawn.


The Chart components exposes hooks that you can use to modify the component data and behavior. Here are the hooks and their specific life cycle:


The hook is run before data is retrieved for processing and rendering. Return a rejected promise to stop the form from data query with suitable a error message.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeChartQuery', fn);


  • fn (Function(data)) Callback function with an object parameter.
    • data (Object) A map of data containing the following.
      • config (Object) Configuration used to initialize the component
        • dataSourceQuery (Object) Data source query configuration
          • query (Object) Optional - Add a query object to customize the data source query
      • id (Number) Component instance ID
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID
      • type (String) Chart type

Example: Only load data relevant to a user

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeChartQuery', function(data) {
  data.config.dataSourceQuery.query = {
    where: {
      User: ''


The hook is run after data is retrieved for processing and rendering. Return a rejected promise to stop the chart initialization with a suitable error message.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('afterChartQuery', fn);


  • fn (Function(data)) Callback function with an object parameter.
    • data (Object) A map of data containing the following.
      • records (Array) Collection of records to be used for the component. This would be the last point in the process for the data to be manipulated before the chart renders it. The records can be found in records.dataSourceEntries.
      • config (Object) Configuration used to initialize the component
      • id (Number) Component instance ID
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID
      • type (String) Chart type


Filter retrieved data before further processing and render

Fliplet.Hooks.on('afterChartQuery', function (options) {
  // Filter out entries with the Color "green"
  _.remove(options.records.dataSourceEntries, function (record) {
    return === 'green';


The hook is run after data is processed for summary. This only applies to the charts that support summary mode (Column, Bar, Pie and Donut). Return a rejected promise to stop the chart initialization with a suitable error message.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('afterChartSummary', fn);


  • fn (Function(data)) Callback function with an object parameter.
    • data (Object) A map of data containing the following.
      • records (Array) Collection of records to be used for the component. This would be the last point in the process for the data to be manipulated before the chart renders it. The records can be found in records.dataSourceEntries.
      • config (Object) Configuration used to initialize the component
      • id (Number) Component instance ID
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID
      • type (String) Chart type


Manipulate chart data after entries are counted

Fliplet.Hooks.on('afterChartSummary', function(options) {
  switch (options.type) {
    case 'column':
    case 'bar':
      // Double all values
      options.config.values = {
        return value * 2;

      // Multiply 3rd value by 10
      options.config.values[2] = options.config.values[2] * 10;

      // Add a bar
    case 'pie':
    case 'donut':
      // Multiply 1st value by 2
      options.config.entries[0].y = options.config.entries[0].y * 2;

      // Add an entry
        name: 'Atlantis',
        y: 7


The hook is run before the chart is rendered. Return a rejected promise to stop the chart from rendering with suitable a error message.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeChartRender', fn);


  • fn (Function(data)) Callback function with an object parameter.
    • data (Object) A map of data containing the following.
      • config (Object) Configuration used to initialize the component
      • chartOptions (Object) Configuration used to initialize the Highcharts instance
      • id (Number) Component instance ID
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID
      • type (String) Chart type


Set the chart with a custom subtitle

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeChartRender', function (options) {
  options.chartOptions.subtitle.text = 'Loaded on ' + moment().format();

Add a unit to the bar chart label

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeChartRender', function(options) {
  options.chartOptions.series[0].dataLabels.format = '{point.y} votes';

Use a custom the bar chart label format function

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeChartRender', function(options) {
  // Unset the format template to use a custom function
  options.chartOptions.series[0].dataLabels.format = null;
  options.chartOptions.series[0].dataLabels.formatter = function() {
    return this.point.category + ': ' + this.point.y;


The hook is run after the chart is rendered.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('afterChartRender', fn);


  • fn (Function(data)) Callback function with an object parameter.
    • data (Object) A map of data containing the following.
      • chart (Object) Highcharts instance
      • config (Object) Configuration used to initialize the component
      • chartOptions (Object) Configuration used to initialize the Highcharts instance
      • id (Number) Component instance ID
      • uuid (String) Component instance UUID
      • type (String) Chart type

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