Output of components

Output of components

Components generally output HTML code when dropped into the page. Their output is compiled with Handlebars using the build.html file from your component.

App components are not required to output any HTML, though when they do you can decide whether their output will be appended at the beginning or the end of the page (e.g. once the body tag is opened or closed).

The typical workflow is:

  1. Interface saves some data via Fliplet.Widget.save()
  2. build.html gets compiled using the above data and the page/screen gets the updated HTML

Your template will get available in the view all settings that have been previously saved in the instance as handlebars variables. You can also print the component unique id using the {{ id }} variable.


<video src="{{ url }}" data-my-component-id="{{ id }}"></video>

Reading previously saved settings

Data can be retrieved via Javascript using the Fliplet.Widget.instance method from fliplet-core as follows:

Fliplet.Widget.instance('my-component', function (data) {
    var $el = $(this); // this gets you each component via jQuery

As you can see above, the method accepts two parameters: the data-[name]-id attribute you define in the output, and a callback function to be executed.

This is by design: your widget can be dropped more than once into a screen, hence you are responsible for reading the data of each instance given the unique instance id ({{ id }}) you use in the output.

Here’s an example to let you understand how a screen can look like when your widget is dropped to a page more than once:

<video src="foo.mp4" data-my-component-id="1"></video>
<video src="bar.mp4" data-my-component-id="2"></video>
<video src="baz.mp4" data-my-component-id="3"></video>
Fliplet.Widget.instance('my-component', console.log);

// { id: 1, url: 'foo.mp4' }
// { id: 2, url: 'bar.mp4' }
// { id: 3, url: 'baz.mp4' }

Interface of components

Need to read more about the interface? Once you’re familiar with the above documentation on the component output, have a read to the previous section which covers the output of components interfaces.

Previous: interface of components (interface.html)