
Please head to the how to authenticate page of the documentation to read more about how you can authorize your client to make API requests to Fliplet.


Before heading deep into describing the API endpoints, let’s describe what a Media Folder and Media File are.

Media Folder

A representation of a folder which can contain subfolders and files. Media folders can belong to an organization, an app or a media folder (which acts as the parent folder).

Media File

Represents a file uploaded via the APIs. It can be contained within a folder, or as a root file for an app or organization.


Get the folders and files belonging to an app or organization or media folder

GET v1/media

This endpoint requires a context, which can be an app or an organization or a mediaFolder. The context needs to be sent as a GET parameter in the request, like ​appId=1​ or ​organizationId=2 or folderId=123

Response (Status code: 200 OK):

  "folders": [
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Sample folder",
      "createdAt": "2017-12-14T10:49:55.489Z",
      "updatedAt": "2017-12-14T10:49:55.489Z",
      "appId": null,
      "parentId": null,
      "organizationId": 456
  "files": [
      "id": 5,
      "name": "foo.jpg",
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "path": "apps/2/foo.jpg",
      "url": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "size": [
      "isEncrypted": null,
      "versions": {},
      "isOrganizationMedia": true,
      "createdAt": "2017-12-11T17:58:13.245Z",
      "updatedAt": "2017-12-11T17:58:13.245Z",
      "appId": 789,
      "dataSourceEntryId": null,
      "dataTrackingId": null,
      "mediaFolderId": null,
      "userId": 123,
      "organizationId": 456

To get list of files and folders within a folder, provide the folderId as well as organizationId when querying the endpoint.

Create a folder

POST v1/media/folders

  • Requires context given in the requesy body (organizationId, parentId or appId)

Request body:

  "name": "Folder name",
  "parentId": 123,
  "organizationId": 456

Sample response:

  "id": 789,
  "name": "Folder name",
  "parentId": 123,
  "organizationId": 456,
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-02T13:26:53.013Z",
  "createdAt": "2018-05-02T13:26:53.013Z",
  "appId": null,
  "deletedAt": null

Upload one or more files

POST v1/media/files

  • Requires context (folderId or appId or organizationId)

Note: Fliplet scans all uploaded files for viruses. If a file is found to be infected the system will automatically quarantine it and not allow apps to download it. Quarantined files can be seen in the trash folder of the File Manager in Fliplet Studio.

Request body (multipart request):

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name[0]"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[0]"; filename="test.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg


Sample response:

  "files": [
      "id": 5,
      "name": "foo.jpg",
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "path": "apps/2/foo.jpg",
      "url": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "size": [
      "isEncrypted": null,
      "versions": {},
      "isOrganizationMedia": true,
      "createdAt": "2017-12-11T17:58:13.245Z",
      "updatedAt": "2017-12-11T17:58:13.245Z",
      "appId": 789,
      "dataSourceEntryId": null,
      "dataTrackingId": null,
      "mediaFolderId": null,
      "userId": 123,
      "organizationId": 456

Please note that the following image content types are automatically resized to have both dimensions no larger than 3840px; when a resizing occurs, the scale of the image will be kept intact:

  • image/apng: Animated Portable Network Graphics (APNG)
  • image/avif: AV1 Image File Format (AVIF)
  • image/jpeg: Joint Photographic Expert Group image (JPEG / JPG)
  • image/png: Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
  • image/svg+xml: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  • image/webp: Web Picture format (WEBP)

Stream the contents of a file

GET v1/media/files/<id>/contents

Streams the contents of an encrypted media file to the requester. This endpoint is often used by Fliplet apps when displaying images, e.g.:


This endpoint accepts a size query parameter (which defaults to large when images are downloaded by Fliplet apps) to downsample or resize images, like size=medium or size=640^480 or size=640>?. See examples below:

  • small image is resized so that the smallest dimension is equal to 640 px
  • medium image is resized so that the smallest dimension is equal to 960 px
  • large image is resized so that the smallest dimension is equal to 1366 px
  • xlarge image is resized so that the smallest dimension is equal to 1980 px (default size applied when not specified)
  • xxlarge image is resized so that the smallest dimension is equal to 2560 px
  • xxxlarge image is resized so that the smallest dimension is equal to 3840 px
  • 320>? image width will be resized to 320 while height will be automatic keeping the same scale ratio
  • 320>240 image will be resized (keeping the scale ratio) to ensure the smallest dimension is equal to the given size on each axis
  • 320!320 image dimensions will both be resized to be equal to the target size. This resize may result in a stretched image if the source image is not a square.

Note that this endpoint is meant to be called directly from the client since the file is streamed back to the requester.

Download contents of a folder or a list of files as a ZIP package

GET v1/media/zip?folderId=33&files=1359,5336

Requires a list of files IDs as a GET query parameter like files=1,2,3 or list of folders IDs as folders=1,2,3 plus optionally the parent folder id as folderId=456.

This endpoint is meant to be called directly from the client since the zip file is streamed back to the requester.

Delete a folder

DELETE v1/media/folders/<id>

e.g. v1/media/folders/123

Deletes a media folder given its ID.

Delete a file

DELETE v1/media/files/<id>

e.g. v1/media/files/123

Deletes a media file given its ID.