Form JS APIs

Form JS APIs

The following JS APIs are available in a screen once a Form component is dropped into the screen.

Edit a data source entry

To use the Form component for editing a data source entry, provide a dataSourceEntryId query parameter to the page with a valid data source entry ID.


Retrieve an instance

Since you can have many forms in a screen, we provide a handy function to grab a specific instance by its form name or the first one available in the page when no input parameter is given.


Retrieves the first or a specific form instance.

// Gets the first form instance
  .then(function (form) {
    // Use form to perform various actions

// Gets the first form instance named 'foo'
  .then(function (form) {
    // Use form to perform various actions

The form instance variable above makes available the following instance methods.

Form instance methods


Allows to overwrite all form field values with new data. Useful if you manually want to populate the form based on your data.

Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {
  form.load(function () {
    return {
      Name: 'Nick',
      Email: ''

You can also return a Promise if you’re loading the data asynchronously. In the following example we are populating a form from an entry in a Fliplet data source:

Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {
  form.load(function () {
    return Fliplet.DataSources.connect(123).then(function (connection) {
      return connection.findById(456);

For more details, check the JS API documentation on the Fliplet.DataSources namespace.

Retrieve information of signed in user:

form.load can also be used in conjunction with Fliplet.Session to populate a form with the logged user’s data:

Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {
  form.load(function () {
    return Fliplet.Session.passport().data().then(function (response) {
      // response.user.firstName
      // response.user.lastName

      // Simply return the user when your fields have the same name as the user's columns
      return response.user;

      // Otherwise, you can do some basic mapping:
      return {
        'Email address':


Property that references a Vue object with more advanced properties of the form. For example, you can loop all form fields using the instance.fields array:

Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {
  form.instance.fields.forEach(function (field) {
    // field is an object with "type", "name" and "value"

Programmatically submit a form

You can submit a form programmatically by calling the onSubmit() method of the Vue instance available via the instance attribute of the form:

Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {

Programmatically clear (reset) a form

You can clear (reset) a form programmatically by calling the reset() method of the Vue instance available via the instance attribute of the form:

Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {


Get the form fields

var fields = form.fields.get();


Sets the form fields programmatically, e.g.:

    "_type": "flInput",
    "name": "name",
    "label": "Name"
    "_type": "flEmail",
    "name": "email",
    "label": "Email address"
    "_type": "flSelect",
    "name": "enquiryType",
    "label": "What is your enquiry about?",
    "options": [{ "id": "Support" }, { "id": "Feedback" }]
    "_type": "flCheckbox",
    "name": "How would you like us to contact you",
    "label": "How would you like us to contact you",
    "options": [{ "label": "By phone" }, { "label": "By email" }]
    "_type": "flRadio",
    "name": "What's the best time to contact you",
    "label": "What's the best time to contact you",
    "options": [{ "label": "In the morning" }, { "label": "In the afternoon" }]
    "_type": "flTextarea",
    "name": "message",
    "label": "How can we help you today?"
    _type: 'flParagraph',
    name: 'text1',
    content: 'Text of the paragraph'
    "_type": "flButtons",
    "name": "buttons"


Retrieves a form field by its name (not label) as defined in Fliplet Studio in the form settings.

Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {
  // Get the field with name 'foo'
  var field = form.field('foo');

Field methods


Gets the value of a form field.

  .then(function (form) {
    // gets the input value
    var value = form.field('foo').get();


Sets the value of a form field to one of the following:

  • a literal value (e.g. a String, a Number, a Boolean or an Object)
  • a value from the user’s profile
  • a value from the device shared storage
  • a value from the current app’s private storage
  • a value from a query parameter
  • a value as result of a function (optionally returning a promise when asynchronous)
  .then(function (form) {
    // Sets the value to a literal value

    // Sets the value to the current user's email
    form.field('field-1').set({ source: 'profile', key: 'email' });

    // Sets the value with the content of the "foo" query parameter
    form.field('field-1').set({ source: 'query', key: 'foo' });

    // Sets the value from the key named "foo" in the device shared storage
    form.field('field-1').set({ source: 'storage', key: 'foo' });

    // Sets the value from the key named "foo" in the device app's private storage
    form.field('field-1').set({ source: 'appStorage', key: 'foo' });

    // Sets the value as a result of a function
    form.field('field-1').set(function () {
      return 'foo' + 'bar';

    // Sets the value as a result of an asynchronous method. In this example,
    // we're populating the field with the full name of a user in a data source
    form.field('field-1').set(function () {
      return Fliplet.DataSources.connect(123).then(function (connection) {
        return connection.findOne({ where: { email: '' } });
      }).then(function (entry) {
        return _.get(entry, 'data.fullName');



Gets or sets the value of a form field.

DEPRECATION NOTICE: uses of val() are considered deprecated for new apps. We do recommend using the new set() and get() methods described in the sections above.

  .then(function (form) {
    // set the input value

    // gets the input value
    var value = form.field('foo').val();


Attaches an event listener to be fired whenever a field value changes.

  .then(function (form) {
    // registers a callback to be fired whenever the field value changes and also on init
    form.field('foo').change(function (val) {
      // val was changed

The callback will also be fired when the form initialized with a value. If you want to avoid this behavior, pass false as second parameter of the change() method:

  .then(function (form) {
    // registers a callback to be fired whenever the field value changes
    form.field('foo').change(function (val) {
      // val was changed
    }, false);


Shows or hides a field.

  .then(function (form) {
    form.field('foo').toggle(); // Toggles field visibility
    form.field('bar').toggle(true); // Shows field
    form.field('baz').toggle(false); // Hides field

Note: toggling the field visibility will revert its value to the default value set in the form configuration. To disable this, pass a false boolean as second parameter of the toggle method at all times: field.toggle(false, false).

Shows or hides fields based on another field’s value

  .then(function (form) {
    // registers a callback to be fired whenever the field value changes
    form.field('foo').change(function (val) {
      // shows the field "bar" when the value of "foo" is greater than 10
      form.field('bar').toggle(val > 10);

      // shows the field "baz" when the value of "foo" is 50
      form.field('baz').toggle(val === 50);


Programmatically sets the options of a dropdown or radio or checkbox field.

  .then(function (form) {
    form.field('foo').options(['John', 'Nick', 'Tony']);

You can also specify a different label from the value (id) as follows:

  .then(function (form) {
      { id: 'john', label: 'John Doe' },
      { id: 'nick', label: 'Nick Smith' }

Field instance

Use the field instance property (e.g. form.field('name').instance) to access the raw Vue instance oa form field.

Set a field as required

Programmatically set a field as required using the raw field instance:

  .then(function (form) {
    form.field('foo').instance.required = true;



Runs when the form is loaded. The data parameter contains the data loaded into the form.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('afterFormEntryLoad', function (data) {
 return Promise.resolve(data);


Runs when the form is found in valid after submission. The invalidFields parameter contains a collection of fields that are invalid.

/* Suppress the notification for required fields */
Fliplet.Hooks.on('isFormInvalid', function(invalidFields) {
  return Promise.reject(); // With no parameter

/* Customize notification for required fields */
Fliplet.Hooks.on('isFormInvalid', function(invalidFields) {
  return Promise.reject('Go and fill in all required fields');

/* Ensure the notification for required fields appears */
Fliplet.Hooks.on('isFormInvalid', function(invalidFields) {
  return Promise.reject('');

/* Allow form submission to continue despite the form is invalid */
Fliplet.Hooks.on('isFormInvalid', function(invalidFields) {
  return Promise.resolve(); // or return nothing


Capture data when the form is submitted. You can modify the data and also avoid data from being saved to a data source or continuing its flow.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeFormSubmit', function(data) {
  // Add your code here

  // e.g. mutate the data before it's sent = 'bar'

  // Return a promise if this callback should be async.
  // Reject the promise to stop the form from submitting the data or continuing.
  // If the rejection does not contain an error, no error will be displayed to the user.

If you reject the hook, the form will be stopped from submitting the data. Rejecting the promise with an error will display such error while a simply rejection will not display any message to the user:

  • return Promise.reject("An error message") this will display the error message
  • return Promise.reject("") this won’t display anything to the user


Runs when a form has been submitted and has finished its processing.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('afterFormSubmit', function(response) {
  // form data has been saved and submitted
  // response contains "formData" and "result"


Runs when a form could not be submitted because of an error.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('onFormSubmitError', function(error) {
  // form encountered an error when saving or submitting


Runs when a Rich text field type is about to initialize. You can use this hook to make changes to the config initialization object which is then passed to TinyMCE after the hook runs.

Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeRichFieldInitialize', function (data) {
  // data.field
  // data.config

  // e.g. extend TinyMCE 4.8.1 initialization config properties
  data.config.toolbar = data.config.toolbar + ' || superscript subscript';

This is the default config options which we use for TinyMCE (version 4.8.1) initialization:

  theme: 'modern',
  mobile: {
    theme: 'mobile',
    plugins: ['autosave', 'lists', 'autolink'],
    toolbar: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'removeformat']
  plugins: [
  toolbar: [
    'bold italic underline',
    'alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent',
    'ltr rtl | link | removeformat code fullscreen'
  ].join(' | '),
  image_advtab: true,
  menubar: false,
  statusbar: false,
  inline: false,
  resize: false,
  autoresize_bottom_margin: 0,
  autofocus: false,
  branding: false

Please refer to the TinyMCE 4 documentation for a list of all available options.


Reset (clear button pressed)

This event is fired when the clear button is pressed or the form is cleared programmatically.

Fliplet.FormBuilder.on('reset', function () {



Updating data source entries

The following example shows how to:

  1. populate a form from a data source entry
  2. on submit, update the same data source entry
var dataSourceId = 123;
var entryId = 456;

Fliplet.DataSources.connect(dataSourceId).then(function (connection) {
  // 1. Load the form in edit mode from a dataSource
  Fliplet.FormBuilder.get().then(function (form) {
    form.load(function () {
      return connection.findById(entryId);

  // 2. Bind a hook to update the data once the form is submitted
  Fliplet.Hooks.on('beforeFormSubmit', function(data) {
    return connection.update(entryId, data);

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